
Routine maintenance for iron stone displays

Modern displays are gradually attached to great importance. All kinds of manufacturing materials make display various, elegant wooden stone display stand, iron stone display stand texture,  fashionable acrylic display stand. There are a variety of other materials display. For different display, routine maintenance is also somewhat different. The following will talk about the daily maintenance of iron precautions:
1. to eliminate rust.
If the stone display is rusty, do not polish it with sandpaper. Use cotton dipped in oil applied to rust if it’s small . Wait a moment and wipe with a cloth can eliminate rust.
2. avoid the bump.
This is the first commercially available stand point to note, stone display rack in the handling process should be handled with care. Place the stone display where seldom encounters a hard object. Place chosen, not should be frequent changes. Placed Chin should remain flat on the ground, so that  the display rack will be stable. if wobbly, falling exhibition will produce a slight deformation, affecting the life of the exhibition.
3. isolated wet.
Indoor humidity should be maintained within the normal range. Display should stay away from the humidifier, humidity causes corrosion of metals occurs, chrome stripping and other produce. When cleaning the display, do not use boiled water.  Use wet wipe, but do not rinse with water.
4. Clean dust.
The best selection is cotton knitwear. Wipe the surface of the stone display rack. Note depression and relief ornamentation in the dust on the shelf.
5. away from the sun.
Avoid putting the stone display rack direct exposure to the sun's out the window. Iron display stand withstand sun for a long time will make paint color discoloration. Colored paint dry flaking metal appeared to oxidative deterioration. If you are experiencing intense sunlight and can not be moved to carry racks, curtains or blinds shade available.
6. away from the acid.
PH is iron display the "number one killer." On display if accidentally stained with iron acid (such as sulfuric acid, vinegar), base (such as a base, soapy water, soda water), rinse immediately with water at the dirt with a dry cotton cloth.
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