
Wood Flooring: The Environmentally Friendly Flooring Material

What makes wood flooring the environmentally friendly flooring option?
To grow one pound of wood, a tree uses 1.47 pounds of carbon dioxide and gives off 1.07 pounds of oxygen. Consequently, an acre of trees can remove about 13 tons of dust and gases from the atmosphere. However, once a tree stops growing and begins to decay, the process reverses. For every pound of wood that decays, the tree uses 1.07 pounds of oxygen and releases 1.47 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air.
When harvested at maturity, hardwood lumber not only decreases the amount of carbon emitted into the environment but also provides a durable and beautiful flooring material that the National Association of Home Builders notes will last 50+ years in a home.
Hardwood forests in the United States are healthier today than they were 50 years ago due to single-tree harvesting methods. By mirroring natural occurences, single tree selection is a long-established form of biomimicry that supports natural forest regeneration. Hardwood forests regenerate naturally and prolifically when sustainable forestry practices are utilized making tree planting unnecessary. These practices have been the predominant form of harvesting for many years which is why the supply of American hardwoods is nearly double what it was in 1950. Each year the amount of hardwood grown in American forests far surpasses the amount that is harvested.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


Tile Laying Techniques for Uneven Surfaces

An uneven floor or wall surface can lead to several problems in a tile job. Tiles may crack, pop loose or "lip" -- a condition that occurs when the corners or edges of some tiles stick up higher than those around them. Many older homes have uneven surfaces, but several techniques can be used to help lay the tiles in a way that will not lead to damage.
Floor Leveling Compound
If the substrate the floor tiles are being installed on is uneven but structurally sound, a self-leveling floor compound can be used to even it out. Self-leveling floor compounds are liquid bases that seek out the low areas on a floor and fill them in. They are typically poured over the entire floor; not just uneven areas, and they require no smoothing or additional leveling once dry. They take 24 to 48 hours to cure and the tiles can be installed right on top. Keep in mind, however, that a self-leveling floor compound will increase the thickness of the finished floor, so transitions to adjacent rooms may need thresholds.
Back Buttering
Back buttering is a trick used for tiles of uneven thickness, like ungauged slate or handmade tiles, extremely large tiles or for tiles being installed on an uneven surface. The mortar is spread over the substrate and keyed, or grooved, as usual. A second application of mortar is placed directly onto the backs of the tiles. Extra mortar is placed on those areas that need it, such as thin spots on tiles or low spots on the substrate. The extra mortar in the low areas helps even out the appearance of the final installation and creates a smooth surface.
Mosaic Tiles
Large-format tiles are the most difficult to install over an uneven surface because they have no way to bend or flex over a hump or valley. Mosaic tiles, however, can be installed over extremely uneven surfaces with little problem. Because each individual tile measures 2 inches or less in size, the tiles are able to move with an uneven surface, going up or down as the surface demands. The more uneven or curved a surface is, the smaller the tile should be to accommodate it easily. Mosaic tiles are available in sizes as small as 3/8-inch, which can accommodate any surface.
Beating In
If the surface is only mildly uneven and is only producing mild lipping at the corners of the tiles, beating the tiles into the mortar bed can reduce the issue. Use a trowel with a 1/4- to 1/2-inch groove to produce an extra thick mortar bed for the tiles. Lay a flat board over the tiles, paying attention to the uneven spots, and beat the board with a rubber mallet. This will drive the tiles deeper into the mortar; if more pressure is placed on low spots than on high ones, it can even out the finished surface of the tile installation.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing mosaic tile frame.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Brief overview of A Quality Wood Floor

Here is a brief overview of the different aspects of picking out a quality wood flooring product.
Raw Materials
This can be difficult to ascertain but it is important to note that quality products start with quality raw materials. In engineered flooring this pertains to the backing material (plywood for multiply products and wood fillets and backing veneers for 3ply products), the actual hardwood veneer, and the glues used to process the product into a piece of usable flooring.
How are the floors made? What type of equipment are they processed on? Flooring produced on high-end German machinery are more likely to have tight fitting tolerances and less over-wood (height differences) than product made on lower end machinery. Not to mention contractors will have less difficulty installing products that are easy to work with. That translates to less time they are working in your home.
Investment Value
Is the floor you are purchasing made in such a way that it can be expected to last a long time in your home? This pertains mostly to the thickness of the wear-layer on an engineered floor. Is there enough usable hardwood to be refinished multiple times so that a few years down the road you can have them re-sanded and finished rather than paying for removal and replacement of new flooring?
There are other considerations but these are a few key items to explore when choosing a floor for your home.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


Mosaic Tile Ideas for the Bathroom

Mosaic tiles are the name given to any material of tile that measures 2 inches or smaller. They can be glass, stone, porcelain or ceramic and while they are sometimes sold as individual tiles, they are typically mounted on sheets for easy installation. Mosaic tiles help lend several different styles to the overall bathroom design. From classic and retro to modern and funky, mosaics can be used almost anywhere in the bathroom.

Retro Bathroom Design
Mosaics were some of the first tiles used for bathroom flooring. When bathrooms were first installed in American homes, they were typically converted from old closets or taken from other areas. This meant the substrate might not be stable enough for large tiles, which could crack. Several tile shapes and layouts date back to Victorian and 1920s art deco designs. Octagon and dot, basketweave, hexagon and penny tiles are all still used on bathroom floors in the 21st century. Combined with subway tiles on the walls, retro tiles can provide an instant design scheme in the room. While older tiles in Americans homes were originally made of unglazed porcelain, mosaic tiles can now be found in glass, ceramic and other materials. Extend a mosaic tiled bathroom floor into a walk-in shower for a unified look.

Accent Wall
Because mosaic tiles are frequently mounted in sheets, it's easy to install large areas and smaller borders simply by cutting the sheet. Make an accent wall in the bathroom out of mosaic tiles and tie it into the rest of the room with a border running the perimeter. Tiled accent walls are appropriate behind the shower head or on a wall opposite the bathroom door if it faces a glass, freestanding shower. Mosaic tiles can cover shelves or recessed soap and shampoo storage nooks set into the walls, and extending the tiles from floor to ceiling can elongate the room.

Simple Border
For a subtle accent that brings additional color and interest into the room, cut sheets of mosaic up into a border that runs the perimeter of the room. Light hits mosaic tiles differently because of the way each one is surrounded by grout. This draws the eye to the border and adds light to the space. Pair polished stone mosaics with large honed stone tiles for depth, or use brightly colored glass mosaics with a plain white subway tile in a child's bathroom. Extend the border up and over the bathroom mirror as a frame, or take it through the shower for a unified look.

Whole Walls
Mosaics were once confined to the bathroom floor, while larger tiles were used on the walls. Today, mosaics are used everywhere. One way to get a contemporary look is to use large tiles on the floor and mosaics on the walls. Despite their many grout lines, mosaics create an overall pattern in a space, which makes the space appear larger than it actually is. This draws the eyes upward and visually opens the room. Combined with a simple floor with relatively few grout lines, this makes the bathroom look large and sleek. Run the mosaics from floor to ceiling around the room for depth, light and interest.

Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing mosaic display stand.More info ,please click our website:http:www.mosaicdisplay.com.


Wood Floor Finishes

Wood flooring can be finished in numerous different ways. Some finishes are burnished into the wood, some are natural oils that harden over time, some are a top coating that actually builds a film of protective finish over the wood and others chemically bond to the wood fibers to seal the wood from being able to absorb moisture, dirt, etc.
First off there has been for some time now a renewed interest in very flat sheen levels on hardwood flooring. This is in some ways a throw back to what the old waxed wood floors looked like before the use of topical coatings became popular. Waxed floors generally have a very flat sheen as well as a depth of color that is difficult to achieve with a topical coating, especially the widely used waterbased top coatings in use today. This renewed trend in flatter sheens has brought to market some products that have been in use in the European market for some time that can achieve these looks while being easier to maintain than the wax finishes of yesterday.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


How to Cut Stone Mosaic Tiles

Mosaic tiles commonly come on a sheet of plastic mesh that holds the small tiles in place to promote a simpler installation. When installing the tiles, it is often necessary to cut the sheets to fit around the perimeter of the installation area. Making mosaic pictures also requires you to cut individual tiles to fit into a pattern. There are two popular methods for cutting the tiles to get the size and shape you need, each with its own benefits and challenges. With care and patience, you can cut the tiles in a matter of minutes.
Using a Tile Saw
1,Measure the space where the tiles must fit. Make sure to allow for any spacers and expansion joints that will separate the tiles from each other or the wall. Transfer the measurements to your mosaic tile or tile sheet. Mark the tiles on the back with a pencil.
2,Cut through the mesh between the tiles with heavy-duty scissors where the markings are only on the mesh. Set the leftover tile sheet aside.
3,Pry tiles off the mesh where the marked line barely touches the edges, or is less than one-fourth of the tile width. These slivers of tile will be too difficult to cut accurately. The grout line will be slightly thicker around those tiles. Installation of that side of the tile at the wall, rather than next to surrounding tiles, conceals this difference.
4,Lay the tiles face down onto a piece of scrap wood. Clamp the tile or tile sheet in place on the board. Make sure the board is long enough that you can handle it without getting your hands close to the blade on the tile saw.
5,Set the tile saw on a stable, level surface. Plug it in to the nearest outlet. Fill the well with water as directed by the manufacturer. Familiarize yourself with how the saw works by reading the instructions if you have never operated one before. Make sure to follow all safety recommendations listed by the manufacturer.
6,Line up your mark with the tile saw blade. Slowly lower the blade and begin cutting through the tiles. Do not push your scrap wood under the blade too fast. Let the saw do the work, as you guide the material, rather than forcing the tiles underneath the blade.
7,Remove the clamps from the tiles after you finish cutting. Save the scrap wood until you have finished cutting all the tiles or sheets needed.

Scoring and Nipping
1,Mark individual tiles or tile pieces just as you would the tile sheets with the exception that you mark on the top of the tile. Use a wax pencil to mark the tiles and avoid discoloration or damage.
2,Score along the marked line with a tile scorer. This minimizes the risk of the tile breaking with jagged edges when you snap it.
3,Clamp the portion of the tile you will use on a level surface. Grab the excess portion of the tile and press down. This snaps the tile along the score line.
4,Remove rough edges from the tile using a double-sided sanding stone. Install the tile using adhesive, just as you would any full-sized tile.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing mosaic display stand.More info ,please click our website:http:www.mosaicdisplay.com.


Tips to maintain your Real Wood Floors flooring

Follow these helpful tips to provide preventive maintenance to your Real Wood Floors flooring. It will extend the beauty and lifespan of your investment in the home.
  • Place a rug around sinks to prevent water damage.
  • During the winter months, use a humidifier to prevent gaps or cracks.
  • Avoid the common mistake of over-waxing the floor. Try buffing to bring back the shine.
  • With children, spills are common, make sure to wipe them up immediately with a damp towel to avoid staining.
  • Never use a wet mop. The standing water will dull the finish or worse, damage the wood.
  • Use rugs around doors to minimize dirt and debris scratching the wood floor.
  • Getting ready for an evening out? Carry the high heels to the front door, they can dent a wood floor.
  • Never slide furniture across a wood floor. Pick it up to protect the floor.
  • Put glides like the options available at Rockler under your furniture to avoid scuffing.
  • Never use vinyl or tile floor care products on wood floors. Especially self-polishing acrylic waxes that will dull quickly and loaded with chemicals that can harm the floor.
The more time you spend caring for your wood floor, the longer the floor will maintain its beauty and style.Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


How to Do Mosaics

Mosaics are works of art created by using glass or ceramic tiles and grout to make a picture. They date as far back as 1500 BC and are all over the world. Mosaics adorn the ceilings in cathedrals with elaborate details or they can be found in a simple pattern on the coffee table in your home. With practice, you can create a custom mosaic all your own.
Preparing to Create Your Mosaic Art
1,Select the material you wish to use. Pieces of material used in a mosaic art are called tesserae. They can be glass, stones, porcelain, seashells, or anything else you can find. You will also want to gather together any objects you might want to include.
2,Pick the foundation to adhere the mosaic tiles on. Tables, planters, birdbaths, or walking stones are just a few ideas to use.
3,Find a pattern you wish to make into a mosaic.
4,Transfer the design to your base. Lay it on a flat surface and rough lay the tesserae. Use glass or tile cutting tools to cut pieces to the desired size. You can also use a hammer to break pieces as well. Make sure the pieces are clean of any dirt or debris before laying them out.
5,Mix mortar per manufacturer recommendations. Apply it to the foundation using a trowel or spatula. While still wet, gently affix the mosaic tiles by pushing them into the mixture. Apply tiles starting in one corner of the design and work across in rows. Make sure you leave enough space between pieces for grout. You may also choose to put the mortar directly on the tile as if you are buttering it like a piece of toast. Apply the buttered piece directly to the foundation and press down to affix it in place.
6,Let the mortar set. Time varies depending on usage, so follow manufacturer recommendations. For pieces in your home, the timing is roughly 24 hours. Outdoor mosaics will need to set for 72 hours. Clean the mosaic tiles once more to clear away any extra mortar that may have risen to the top.
7,Prepare the grout mixture. Grout comes in many colors and there are colors you can add to the grout to change the coloring. Choose a color that accents your mosaic. Mix the grout by following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
8,Apply the grout using a spatula. Fill in the creases between the tiles. The grout should cover the mosaic enough to fill the gaps.
9,Let the grout set for 20 minutes, or the time advised by the manufacturer. Wipe the mosaic with a clean sponge and warm water. Rinse out the sponge regularly as you wipe away grout from the surface of the tiles.
10,Seal the mosaic with varnish. This will coat the tiles and safeguard against damage, especially for outdoor mosaics subjected to fluctuating temperatures and adverse weather conditions. It also will give a high gloss shine that will make the colors stand out.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing mosaic display stand.More info ,please click our website:http:www.mosaicdisplay.com.


Protect Your Wood Floors From Added Foot Traffic

If you have family or friends planning to visit, for holiday festivities or just regular festivities, don’t forget to give your wood floors some extra care and attention. The added foot traffic means extra wear and tear on your floors. The following tips can help you make sure your wood floors are properly protected as you welcome guests into your home.
If you have wood floors in your kitchen, be sure to protect areas near the refrigerator, sink, dishwasher and stove with area rugs to avoid water and food stains. Place rugs or floor mats near any entrance into your home so guests can wipe their feet and keep any harsh materials from making their way onto your wood floors. You may also want to asks guests to remove their shoes when entering your home. If you need to move furniture to make room for extra guests, be sure to use felt pads on table and chair legs to avoid scratching your wood floors. If you have wood flooring in areas of your home that you anticipate seeing high traffic, you may want to use area rugs in those rooms as well.
These tips can help ensure that your wood floors maintain their finish and shine, even under added foot traffic. Taking these few extra steps to protect your floors can also help ensure that you can enjoy your time togetherwith family and friends without worrying about the safety of your floor.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.