
Tips to Choose The Right Color for Your Granite Countertops

The selection of the right granite color for your kitchen’s counter top is a personal decision. It is also a long lasting one and you must seriously think it over before you give the go-ahead. A good counter top offers excellent value. It is important to get it correct the first time.
Dark granite counter tops
If you like elegance and smoke gives you the vibe, select a dark color. You can achieve a classic look by pairing a lighter cabinets with dark counter tops. A room with an adequate natural light supply is ideal for dark colored counter top. They are subtle and elegant. Dark granite gives a timeless appearance independent of the room. However, if you use dark plaint, wallpaper, backsplashes and ark home fixtures, there will be an overall shrinking effect. The viewer’s eye will be somewhat restricted.
However, if you prefer the rich, dark look, do go ahead with dark gray, brown or black counter tops. There is no wrong here- it all boils down to personal preference.
Light granite counter tops
Granite counter tops of lighter shades work particularly well in case your kitchen floor tiles are light or white colored. You can produce a welcoming feel by having a light counter top. The effect can be endearingly rustic.
Using light brown or cream colored granite frequently results in a beach like feel, independent of the room. Changing or adding kitchen backsplash is an easy technique to transform the kitchen. In case you hanker for the contemporary look, consider the multi-colored stacked mosaic tiles made of glass. Since the granite top is your intended centerpiece, there is a need to give it due prominence. To do this, make sure that the color of the granite counter top is complemented by surrounding fixtures.
If you opt for recycled glass counter tops, you have a wide selection of reds, browns, blacks, blues and greens among a large number of other colors to select from. You will surely find a color you will like to put as part of the counter top.
Whatever you decide, you must have an eye towards detail. When you select the granite, do take color samples of cabinet finish, flooring, kitchen appliances and wall paint to the showroom. If samples are not available, take photos. Put the samples around the granite to have an excellent idea of the decorating combination.
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