
What’s the Difference between Quartz & Quartzite Countertops

Though quartz and quartzite countertops may pop-up side-by-side in your search results due to their rising popularity, they are two separate and equally distinctive materials despite their similarities in name and appearance. Each appealing in its own way, uncovering these differences can help you discover if either of these materials offer the ideal kitchen countertop solution for you.
Distinctive advantages
Quartzite slabs, like granite, are hard and durable, possessing the ability to withstand heat. Also like granite, they require periodic sealing every year or two. Quartz slabs, on the other hand are the least porous, though not heat-resistant over 300 degrees Fahrenheit, require no sealing.
Diverse beginnings
Quartzite is naturally formed from quartz-rich sandstone, extracted, and quarried to form finished slabs for countertops and tiles. Quartz slabs, though also comprised of around 94% of the raw material quartz, are synthetically engineered with the addition of resins and pigments pressed under immense pressure to form a solid surface countertop.
Price ponderings
Both quart and quartzite counters are on par with higher-end stone surface options like granite and marble, so if you’re looking to price as the determining factor for which material will grace your kitchen design, you’ll have to look elsewhere for the tie-breaker.
Complex color creations
Many natural quartzite slabs offer the swirling white and grey coloring popular in today’s kitchen designs, however rarer varieties offer shades of golds, browns, blues, greens, and even shades of red. Quartz, due to its manmade origins, offers uniform colors and patterns in nearly every color in the rainbow, including solids and lookalikes of other natural surfaces – including quartzite. 
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How to Keep Your Home Marble Looking its best

marbleYou can take to make sure your home’s marble countertop, floor, or other marble area is looking perfect all the time as follow steps:
1,Sealing Your Marble
One of the most important things you can do is to seal your marble. Sealing helps ensure that marble doesn’t become easily stained
Typically, whoever installed your marble probably sealed it at the same time. But if they didn’t, or you aren’t sure, then sealing your marble can prolong the life of your marble surfaces and help them look their best all the time.
2,Protecting Your Marble
Even if your marble is sealed, that doesn’t mean that it can’t get dirty. It can even become damaged by highly acidic substances such as tomato juice, vinegar, and citrus juices.
Make sure your protect your marble the same way you would fine wood tabletops and other surfaces. Use coasters and cutting boards to protect against everyday damage. And if there is a spill, make certain that it gets wiped up immediately.
3,Cleaning Your Marble
Marble that is properly sealed should wipe clean with a damp cloth. You don’t want to use any type of cleaner that is acidic or abrasive because that can damage your marble.
Use a vacuum or broom to pick up loose dirt, then damp mop or sponge your marble until it is clean.
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How To Clean Quartz Countertops

quartz-countertopsCleaning your quartz countertops doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact it can be far less work than you initially thought. Simply use a damp microfibre cloth with warm soapy water to clean up any initial spills. This will help prevent any spills or dirt from being absorbed into the stone. Avoid using any highly acidic or bleach based cleaning products as these can often damage the stone surface.
Removing stubborn stains
If any stubborn stains do occur, you can mix together your own quartz cleaning solution by mixing together isopropyl alcohol and dish detergent. Mix together a 50:50 solution of water and 91% isopropyl alcohol into a spray bottle. Spray onto the stone surface and allow to sit for 5 minutes, then rinse with water and wipe down with a clean microfibre cloth. This will remove excess soapy water and periodically disinfect your quartz countertops, restoring their natural shine.
Avoid heat and scratching
Unlike other natural stones such as granite, quartz stone is not completely heat resistant and can crack or chip if exposed to heat for long periods of time. To avoid this use special trivets, or place mats when placing hot pots and pans on to the surface. Also, whilst quartz countertops are highly scratch resistant we would recommend using cutting boards as an extra precaution when preparing food on your worktops.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Quartz sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


The Pros and Cons of Quartz Kitchen Worktops

quartz-kitchen-worktopsWhen it comes to choosing kitchen worktops there are a number of materials to choose from. While natural stones such as granite still remain one of the most popular choices for kitchen worktops, in recent years Quartz kitchen worktops have become an increasingly popular contender.
Why quartz worktops?
Engineered quartz stone provides some of the most durable and practical surfaces available. Renowned for its unique beauty, the manufacturing of quartz stone blends together approximately 93% natural quartz stone along with other granites, mirror chips, colour pigments and resins to form a totally sealed and polished surface. The specific composition, pattern and colour of the stone are all devised in the manufacturing process and can differ with different manufacturers – giving you a much wider choice in colours than other natural stones such as granite or marble, and a depth of finish that cannot be produced in other solid surface materials such as corian.
Quartz worktops are extremely hard wearing and versatile. They are highly resistant to scratching and staining, yet with the added benefit of increased flexibility, making them easier to work with when it comes to installation and edging options. They require minimal maintenance, with a simple clean using mild dish-washing soap and warm water being all that is needed to keep these worktops looking as good as new.
Aside from being chip resistant, quartz kitchen worktops are also highly resistant to household acids as well as mould and mildew, making them ideal for kitchen worktops, bathroom surfaces, flooring and wall panelling.
Potential drawbacks:
There are only a small number of drawbacks to consider when looking at quartz stone. Firstly, whilst other natural stones such as granite are highly resistant to weathering, if exposed to natural sunlight, quartz stone can start to fade in colour. It is also heavier than granite, and so would need to be installed by professionals.
Secondly, seams can also be visible in quartz stone, however these will be noticeably less visible when you choose a slab that is darker in colour. However, as quartz stones have been coloured and manufactured, any seams that do occur will be easier to hide than in granite, particularly if you buy a quartz worktop in a solid colour.
Finally, compared to other natural stones such as granite, quartz worktops are not as resistant to heat and so an element of caution is needed when using hot pots or pans in the kitchen.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Quartz sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


How to Design a Kitchen Island Worktop

planning-your-kitchen-island-worktopChoosing the ideal kitchen island worktop for your kitchen can be a difficult task and there are a number of considerations to take into account when making your decision. In recent years kitchen islands have become increasingly popular for modern day kitchens. They offer a beautiful focal point for your kitchen, as well as a large practical space to prepare, cook, and entertain guests. As well as considering the aesthetic qualities of your
kitchen island, it’s also important to consider how it will function. We will be looking to guide you through some key pointers to help you choose the right kitchen island for your kitchen.
Planning your islands function?
Whether you are an cook, food-tech or tend to use your kitchen spaces as an area to gather the family together or entertain guests on special occasions, a kitchen island can serve multiple purposes. Traditionally the kitchen was an area for preparing food, though in recent years they have become an increasingly popular social area and living space for many homes. With this in mind it is important to consider how your kitchen island will function; would it be an area for preparing food, storing cupboards and appliances, or an additional area to entertain guests? If you are looking to house the dishwasher and other appliances in the kitchen island then the sink, and other assets such as the bin should also be close by. However, if your island is looking to serve more of social purpose then perhaps you might want to consider seating, wine and drinks chillers or breakfast bar options.
Whatever your design, remember to consider the “kitchen work triangle“. This is a concept that is commonly used to map out kitchen layouts. It takes into account the primary areas of focus in the kitchen – the cooker, kitchen sink, and refrigerator. These three points, and the imaginary lines between them are what experts refer to as “the kitchen triangle“.
Consider hight 
With any kitchen island its don’t forget to consider height. If are looking to have bar stools then a height of around 36 – 42 inches would be recommended. You may want to consider having the island designed in two levels, with one side set lower in order to aid food preparation and prep work, and the other higher to accommodate for any seating options.
Think about space
A strong focal point for any kitchen is space. Both the open floor area around the island and either side of the island require careful planning to ensure that there is enough space to manoeuvre. If you’re planning on housing your sink in the kitchen island then you would also need to plan for the extra plumbing costs to extend the lines of any water pipes, whereas a smaller Island can be a useful way to incorporate extra seating areas, cupboards or extra storage.
The amount of storage you may need depends on the rest of your kitchen layout. If you already have ample storage place then you might want to use your island as more of a work and social hub, ideal for preparing food whilst also entertaining guests. However, if you have limited storage space, a kitchen island can also serve as an ideal storage area.
If you are planning to house any kitchen appliances in the island, such as a kitchen sink or dishwasher, then make sure this fits in with other core elements of your kitchen design, and be sure to consider “the kitchen work triangle”. With the Kitchen being one of the busiest areas in the home, serving a multitude of different functions and planning the placement of your kitchen island is crucial.
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Natural Stone Kitchen Backsplashes

natural-stone-backsplashesKitchen backsplashes,  are placed on the kitchen wall between the countertops and the wall cabinets, protecting the walls from staining, especially in the zones close to your sink and stove, the places where you cook, clean, and prepare food.
Although the 4-inch natural stone backsplash has been a standard in countertop installations for many years, there's another eye-catching option to consider a full-height natural stone backsplash.
Crafted from matching countertop material, a full backsplash is installed all the way up to the wall cabinets (or sometimes even to the ceiling). It can be installed in an identical pattern as the countertop, creating a sleek and seamless look to your kitchen. A full-height backsplash is great for cleaning, too -- no grout lines! It's extremely durable, as it possesses the same qualities as your natural stone countertop.
Not only can a full-height backsplash act as a compliment to a stunning granite countertop pattern, it’s also a practical barrier to protect your kitchen walls. When viewing a backsplash from a real estate standpoint, using granite backsplash to accompany your granite countertops not only adds visual appeal, but adds to the overall value of your home for future resale. This makes it a personal and practical choice in home decoration!
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Fresh Kitchen Design Trends

kitchenThe kitchen trend is seeing a move towards natural materials,monochrome minimalism and patterned backsplashes. Customize these trends in your own kitchen with natural stone countertops, and a few other tips to update your kitchen to feel more fresh and inviting.
Natural Materials for Walls
Natural tones and materials are big across all interior design hemispheres, including kitchens. An accent wall in stone or brick will add a rustic feel, and if done right, will look terrific for time to come. Current kitchens can be ripped apart to expose old natural beams, which look fantastic with stain or beeswax. New builds and designs can build beams and tongue and groove into the walls and ceiling, which are absolutely worth the finish it gives.
Black Countertops
When going natural black for countertops, use black granite or quartz. Whether left glossy, or given a dull matte finish, this is a popular trend to use best when in contrast with a cool white interior.
Monochrome Basics
The monochrome trend has been around for some time, but this basic look is has been revamped. To avoid a cold uninviting kitchen experience, add some natural wood accessories, which will do wonders to the aura of the room. For a backsplash solid slabs of marble, strips of glass or other solid wall coverings pull the look together.
Interesting & Colorful Backsplashes
Kitchens are yearning for a spark of excitement and edge, which is why interesting and colorful backsplashes are popular. Look for tiles with interesting patterns, colorful splashes or exotic designs. To complete the look, keep the rest of the kitchen minimalistic.
Bold Lighting
Hidden spots under cupboards have been the prevailing trend in kitchens for the past 5 years, however now we are seeing a move back to exposed lighting. Look for light fixtures, which are showpieces in themselves. If you have a monochrome minimalistic design, go with a modern pendant light. If you have a traditional kitchen with lots of natural tones, use a more traditional brass light fixture.
Open Shelving
Kitchen cabinets will always be useful in all kitchens, but now we’re seeing a trend towards open shelving. Why hide away those eye catching kitchen accessories and crockery behind closed doors? These pieces have design and appeal too! Now people want to show off not only their fancy kitchen, but also everything else in the kitchen.
Warmer Metal Fixings
Lately there has been a shift toward warmer metal tones such as brass and copper, edging away from the brash, stainless steel and chrome colder metals. Iron and similar tones are making a come back, very much learning towards the timeless traditional. Copper accessories, utensils and bold outlandish copper kitchen hoods also make a bold statement.
Compact Corner Sinks
Small, compact corner sinks make an ideal solution for small kitchens. Most kitchens don’t utilize the corner for anything more than a countertop or alliance, so this fresh little number is making a triumphant entrance into kitchen design.
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Marble-a popular flooring materials

marble-flooringMarble is one of the oldest types of flooring materials. But it remains just as popular today as it did hundreds or even thousands of years ago.Part of the reason for that is because marble’s luxurious appearance never goes out of style. It’s also highly durable, easy to keep clean, and goes with practically any type of decor.
Here are five other amazing facts about marble that may surprise you.
  •  Found in Famous Structures
Marble is featured in many of the world’s most famous structures, including India’s Taj Mahal, the Duomo Cathedral in Florence, Italy, and the Washington Monument and U.S. Supreme Court Building, in Washington, D.C., to name a few.
  •   Most Marble Made of Limestone
Marble is hard, but the material most marble is made from, limestone, is actually soft — for a type of stone, at least.
Limestone is a type of rock that is naturally formed and comes in a wide variety of colors. It is made into marble by a process that involves intense heat and pressure.
  •  Impurities Create Great Colors
The streaks and colors found in marble are actually caused by impurities in the stone. These can include sand, silt, clay, and iron oxides.
Different colors are caused by different types of impurities. For example, green in marble is usually a sign of high magnesium levels in the limestone before it was transformed into marble.
  •  Marble Is Naturally Hypoallergenic
People with severe allergies can benefit from having marble floors in their home. Marble won’t absorb dust, hair, dirt and other materials that can make you sneeze.
  •  Marble Is Easy to Maintain and Keep Clean
Many homeowners are surprised by how easy it is to clean and maintain marble floors. When polished properly, marble is very difficult to scratch or stain.That’s one of the reasons marble is such a popular flooring material in high-traffic buildings, such as libraries, schools and government offices.
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Marble backsplash tile makes bathroom and kitchen look marvelous

marble-backsplash-tileMarble is preferred for almost all the places in the house. On the floor, wall, countertops and backsplashes marble is preferred. This stone was preferred by people in the past and present too. The looks of the place become elegant when these tiles are installed. It is a natural waterproof stone. Installation is very easy with mortar or adhesive. Bathrooms and kitchen look marvelous with the marble backsplash tile. If more protection for the surface is necessary it is better to apply sealant. A mild soap with a scrub is enough to maintain the surface of the tile. Strong chemicals should not be used for cleaning the surface
If any strong chemical gets into the surface then the stain remains. It is better to clean any stain immediately as it may get absorbed into the tile. The look of the bathroom changes completely when the marble backsplash tile is installed. The whole bathroom looks splendid and bright. The surface of the marble reflects light to make the bathroom look brighter. Marble comes in light colors which give a cleaner feeling in the bathroom. Maintenance is also important as the tile is light colored the dirt is clearly seen if not cleaned.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing marble sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


3 Amazing Benefits of Marble Countertops

marble-countertopsIf you are considering rehabbing or updating your kitchen, one of the best choices you can make is to add marble countertops.That’s because marble countertops not only improve the look and feel of your kitchen — and, by extension, your entire home — but they also increase the resale value when it’s time for you to sell you existing house or condo and move to a new place.
There are many other benefits to adding marble countertops to your kitchen. Here are four of them.
1, Classic Beauty that Never Goes Out of Style
Marble has a look, tone, and texture that never goes out of style. Marble countertops that were installed decades ago are just as functional, just as beautiful, and just as valuable today as they were the day they were put in.
It’s simple: Marble never goes out of style. So when you include marble countertops in your kitchen design, you can ensure your home will always be up to date.
2, Heat Resistant
A benefit of marble that the cooks in your family will appreciate is its heat resistance. Unlike other countertop materials, you can put hot pans and pots on marble surfaces and not have to worry as much about staining or damaging your countertops.
For the home baker, marble has the advantage of being naturally cool. It won’t conduct heat as efficiently as other materials, allowing baked products to be cooled directly on its surface.
3, Easier to Shape
Marble is a softer stone than many other countertop materials. So its overall workability is better — especially if you are thinking about using custom edges or other unique fabrication.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing marble sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


7 Main Reasons Quartz Countertops are Conquering Your Kitchens

quartzGranite’s beauty and durability have made it a top choice in kitchen design for years, however quartz counter tops, a relative newcomer, are now taking the American market by storm. Why are home buyers, contractors and renovators, and even designers migrating over to this manmade countertop option?7 Main Reasons Quartz Countertops are Conquering Kitchens:
1,A match made in heaven.
Quartz countertops offer a wider variety of colors and looks, from those that mimic granite and other natural stones to designs that are more uniform in appearance – all of which can be easily color-matched to your design scheme.
2,No pain from stains.
Quartz countertops easily ward off stains such as juice, wine, and other oily and acidic substances that can effect granite if left to sit for too long. White counters – game on!
3,No fuss, no muss care.
Like granite, quartz’s non-porous surface is mold, mildew, and bacteria resistant, requiring only a soap and water wash.
4,The ability to go big in your home.
In keeping with today’s large kitchen island trend, oversized quartz slabs are far easier to come by than larger single pieces of natural granite, making the task of tackling expansive countertops far simpler – and less expensive. Seaming slabs together is also much easier, courtesy of quartz’s color matching capabilities.
5,Heat and scratch resistance.
Though quartz is not compatible with direct sunlight exposure, both countertop options offer similar levels of heat and scratch resistance.
6,Budget friendliness.
While lower grades of granite can be less expensive than quartz, when it comes to exotic granite slabs and other premium natural stones such as marble, quartz countertops typically offer more bang for the buck.
7,Mother Earth-approved.
Though quartz is manmade, it is Greenguard approved and can offer a more environmentally friendly alternative than granite, especially when compared to quarried stones which have been transported from far-off regions rather than nearby locales.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Quartz sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Guide to Choosing the Perfect Floor for Your Home

Choosing the perfect flooring for your house can be challenging, especially when you’re not sure about the material that suit your requirements the best. To come to a decision, you need to know about the pros and cons of using a particular material for your floors. You can select the type of floors you need, depending on the usage of the room. You may also want to keep in mind the overall aesthetics of your home. The floors should match the theme that you have set for all your rooms.
Materials that are popular
Stone floors are a favorite since they are sturdy as well as stylish. They are cool and comfortable to walk on, making them a good choice especially for warmer locations. Since they are natural, they have their own unique colors and patterns.
Granite is one of the hardest stones that can be used for floors. It has a natural shine to it and is very resilient. However, it tends to be rather cold, which may not be suited for a cooler climate. The right marble can make your home look stunning with its polish and attractive patterns. It is a little softer when compared to granite due its porosity, which is why it can get easily scratched. Slate is another tough material, and tends to have a darker hue. Limestone is a hardened, calciferous stone, and often looks like wood, making it a trendy choice.
Ceramic tiles and vinyl tiles are also widely used because of their huge variety of colors. However, they may not be as resistant to cracking and staining.
Choosing material according to the room
Depending on the room, you can decide how strong a material you’ll need for your floors. If it’s a room that will be used by a lot of people, you could use something like slate or granite. Bathrooms are a place where you would want to use something that can absorb moisture, and limestone is one of the best choices. Marble too, is popular when it comes to bathroom floors.
Ceramic floors are good for rooms where you entertain guests. Due to the availability of a variety of shades and colors, they can be easily blended in with the theme of the room. However, care should be taken to select those which offer more durability.
The kitchen is yet another room where durability is the most important aspect. Granite and linoleum are good choices. They are easy to clean if spilled on, and require less maintenance. A lot of people also opt for hardwood floor, but the material needs to be given a proper finish to avoid any possible damage caused by moisture.
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Five Creative Ways To Use Granite In Your Kitchen

Whenever there is a discussion on the use of durable and practical materials in your kitchens, the list is always topped by granite. Granite is easy to maintain and is truly versatile. Its resilience makes it a very popular choice in most of the kitchens. Though, most of the people agree on its enduring nature, there are some who often ignore this material and go for marble that they consider as aesthetically pleasing. But practicality and aesthetics can definitely complement each other. When you use granite in a creative manner in your kitchen, it can create a powerful visual impact. The list below constitutes of some of the creative and innovative ways of incorporating granite in a kitchen.
Granite countertops in your kitchenGranite and kitchen countertops have almost become synonymous to each other and of course for a logical reason. You all know that granite is a good stain-resistant and heat-resistant material for items such as grease and food. Your design affinity is immaterial as there is no scarcity of kitchen countertops made of granite. Those who are fond of modern décor can go for a chic looking countertop made of granite whereas people who are fond of traditional décor can choose a conventional option.
Kitchen Backsplash made of graniteBacksplashes in your kitchen made of granite can add value to the homes and can also include a decorative and elegant element due to the fact that it features a rich texture. A great method to start is by matching the tiles with the home appliances, cabinets and light fixtures in your kitchen.
Use granite door knobs for your kitchen cabinets
Include an element of ingenuity in your kitchen and you do not have to spend a lot of money for that. You can choose doorknobs made of granite that can complement the kitchen slab in your home, island lights of your kitchen or the flooring.
Kitchen sinks made of granite
Do you actually desire to see your kitchen standing out? If you sincerely want that, you can invest your money on a superior quality sink that will also be a reflection for your kitchen’s overall décor. Granite is a versatile material and you can use it for designing beautiful and creative kitchen sinks that may not essentially adhere to the traditional design norms.
Granite flooring
Many contemporary kitchens today use granite flooring as they can resist almost everything like spill, heat, shoe scuffs, and stains. But granite is also popular as it comes in a variety of patterns and styles. You can even choose granite tiles in place of bigger slabs or do a mix and match of them so that an individualistic look can be achieved.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing granite sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Tips to Choose The Right Color for Your Granite Countertops

The selection of the right granite color for your kitchen’s counter top is a personal decision. It is also a long lasting one and you must seriously think it over before you give the go-ahead. A good counter top offers excellent value. It is important to get it correct the first time.
Dark granite counter tops
If you like elegance and smoke gives you the vibe, select a dark color. You can achieve a classic look by pairing a lighter cabinets with dark counter tops. A room with an adequate natural light supply is ideal for dark colored counter top. They are subtle and elegant. Dark granite gives a timeless appearance independent of the room. However, if you use dark plaint, wallpaper, backsplashes and ark home fixtures, there will be an overall shrinking effect. The viewer’s eye will be somewhat restricted.
However, if you prefer the rich, dark look, do go ahead with dark gray, brown or black counter tops. There is no wrong here- it all boils down to personal preference.
Light granite counter tops
Granite counter tops of lighter shades work particularly well in case your kitchen floor tiles are light or white colored. You can produce a welcoming feel by having a light counter top. The effect can be endearingly rustic.
Using light brown or cream colored granite frequently results in a beach like feel, independent of the room. Changing or adding kitchen backsplash is an easy technique to transform the kitchen. In case you hanker for the contemporary look, consider the multi-colored stacked mosaic tiles made of glass. Since the granite top is your intended centerpiece, there is a need to give it due prominence. To do this, make sure that the color of the granite counter top is complemented by surrounding fixtures.
If you opt for recycled glass counter tops, you have a wide selection of reds, browns, blacks, blues and greens among a large number of other colors to select from. You will surely find a color you will like to put as part of the counter top.
Whatever you decide, you must have an eye towards detail. When you select the granite, do take color samples of cabinet finish, flooring, kitchen appliances and wall paint to the showroom. If samples are not available, take photos. Put the samples around the granite to have an excellent idea of the decorating combination.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing granite sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Marble Countertop Maintenance Tips

Marble is porous, and easily stained and is etched by acids. Avoid setting beverage glasses directly on marble as they leave rings. Fruit juice, carbonated beverages or other acids will etch (remove shiny surface) if allowed to remain on marble. Wipe up acid spill immediately, and wipe surface with wet cloth.
Both marble and granite counters have their own aesthetic beauty and require different modes of care to keep them free of blemishes and stains. Though every day is a learning process with marble counter top, it is best to know simple techniques to maintain its smooth top and flawless shine for decades. Marble is regarded as toughest natural stone for countertop and is used for several household applications like kitchen and bathroom counters and also as fireplace mantelpiece. Marble like other natural stone is expensive but with proper care and maintenance it can be used for several decades. Besides regular cleaning and scrubbing to remove dirt and grime from the marble countertop a few more care methods have to be followed to maintain this beautiful natural stone.
Regular cleaning processFor regular maintenance of marble kitchen countertop, clean it with damp cleaning rag that does not have any abrasive pins or clips after end of daily activities in the kitchen every evening. On a weekly basis, clean the countertop with lukewarm water and non-acidic liquid dish soap. This can be slowly cleaned away with soft absorbent towel and then wipe the entire counter with hot damp dishcloth to remove any water stains.
Cleaning up marble stainsEven though you may take a lot of care, a careless guest or a child may spill something on your precious marble counter and cause an ugly stain. You can either use a commercial stain remover made especially for marble or make a poultice out of materials available at home. Make a fine paste of baking soda and water and apply it over the stain. Let it dry for around 24 hours before pulling the stain out along with the poultice.
Protecting marble from etching
Due to the calcium carbonate composition, marble stone reacts with all acidic products which can eat away small chips of its surface leading to dull sports or etches. A piece of lemon, drops of orange juice or a wet glass of margarita will leave marks on the beautiful marble counter. To protect marble from acidic etching it is best to blot all spills immediately.
Blotting instead of scrubbing
As acidic stuff is bad for marble, try to mop every spill whether it is wine, juice or acidic vegetable like tomato. Usually wiping or rubbing a spill on marble will either increase the stain size or cause etching so the best way is to blot them away with tissues that should always be kept handy in the kitchen.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing marble sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Is Marble a Good Choice for Countertops?

Marble Colors
Marble countertops come in a wide variety of styles and colors. Its crystalized formation give marble a smooth and clean look compared to that of granite or even quartz. Marble comes in wide variety of colors and shades. From amazing blacks,ocean greens,  dreamy yellows to whites and neutrals. Its veining gives marble countertops a unique character and sophistication. The most used marble colors for countertops are Carrara White and Callacata Gold.
Although marble may be softer than granite, marble is a safe surface for kitchen countertops. Here are the pros and cons of marble.
  • Due to its crystal formation, marble has an elegant, smooth look that cannot be duplicated by any natural stone or manmade product.Its beautifies a kitchen with its sophisticated elegance and luxurious feel.
  • Marble is durable & heat resistant that will last for decades to come.
  • Marble is the best countertop surface for making dough.
  • Easy to maintain and with our 15 year warranty sealant, marble countertops are almost 100% stain proof.
  • Some marble colors are expensive.
  • Due to its formation, marble may etch faster than granite. Therefore, a honed surface is recommended for countertops. Thus, etches can be very easy removed with a buffer of just a fine sandpaper.Our thoughts on marble countertops: Although most colors come in a mirror like polished finish, we recommend that HONED/MATTE surface should be considered for countertops. Honed marble is much kitchen-friendly. Our protective coating make HONED finishes much etch resistant and even if may etch, it will be almost unnoticeable.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing marble sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


How to prevent hardwood floors from fading over time?

First you must understand the 2 factors that cause hardwood floors to change color at all:
1. Exposure to sunlight.
2. Applied finishes and/or stains.
Minimizing exposure to sunlight.
The key here is to reduce your hardwood floor’s exposure to sunlight. The best way to accomplish this is by covering up your windows, as windows are the main source of sunlight to your floors. Blinds, drapes, or shutters all work very well. More costly options include upgrading your windows to low emissivity glass or window film, but work very well at keeping UV rays and IR light at bay.
Outside of windows, you may also utilize furniture and rugs to your advantage. By constantly moving rugs and furniture around, you spread he sunlight across all areas of the wood, which will slow down the fading process greatly. Also, it can be very fun to move your interior around every so often – it’s a nice change of pace.
Choosing the right finish.
Lastly, let’s talk about finishes. Oil-based finishes bring out very rich colors in your floors, but will yellow over time for a slightly amber appearance. Some people may be very pleased with this. However, if you’re absolutely concerned about maintaining your hardwood floor’s original color, then we recommend applying a water-based finish, which essentially remains clear the entire time, minimizing any long term fading that may occur.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


Popular Printing Techniques

8Here are the popular printing techniques :

Embossing/Debossing:Embossing creates a raised impression on stock, debossing creates a depressed impression on stock.
Silk Lamination/Lamination:Silk lamination provides a soft, silk-like finish, is water-resistant, is tear-resistant, and complements vibrant colors. The effect could be glossy, dull, or satin.
Varnish :A varnish is a liquid coating applied to a printed surface to add a clear glossy, matte, satin, or neutral finish.
Foil:A foil layer is affixed to a certain material by a heating process.
Thermography:Thermography produces raised printing similar in appearance to engraving.
Die Cut:Die cut involves cutting irregular shapes in paper or paperboard using a die.
Letterpress:A surface with raised letters is inked and pressed to the surface of the printing substrate to reproduce an image in reverse.
Silk Screening:A printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink-blocking stencil. The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that allows ink to transfer onto the material.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you printing brochure,propaganda leaflet,color card and other printing design.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Common Types of Stones Used for building

The article will introduce the properties and uses of the more common stones used for building: granite, marble,sandstone, slate,Basalt and Trap, Laterite,Gneiss,Quartzite .
Granites are igneous rocks. The colour varies from light gray to pink. The structure is crystalline, fine to coarse grained. They take polish well. They are hard durable. Specific gravity is from 2.6 to 2.7 and compressive strength is 100 to 250 N/mm2. They are used primarily for bridge piers, river walls, and for dams. They are used as kerbs and pedestals. The use of granite for monumental and institutional buildings is common. Polished granites are used as table tops, cladding for columns and wall. They are used as coarse aggregates in concrete.
Sand stone
These are sedimentary rocks, and hence stratified. They consist of quartz and feldspar. They are found in various colours like white, grey, red, buff, brown, yellow and even dark gray. The specific gravity varies from 1.85 to 2.7 and compressive strength varies from 20 to 170 N/mm2. Its porosity varies from 5 to 25 per cent. Weathering of rocks renders it unsuitable as building stone. It is desirable to use sand stones with silica cement for heavy structures, if necessary. They are used for masonry work, for dams, bridge piers and river walls.
Basalt and Trap
The structure is medium to fine grained and compact. Their colour varies from dark gray to black. Fractures and joints are common. Their weight varies from 18 kN/m3 to 29 kN/m3. The compressive strength varies from 200 to 350 N/mm2. These are igneous rocks. They are used as road metals, aggregates for concrete. They are also used for rubble masonry works for bridge piers, river walls and dams. They are used as pavement.
These are metamorphic rocks. They are composed of quartz, mica and clay minerals. The structure is fine grained. They split along the planes of original bedding easily. The colour varies from dark gray, greenish gray, purple gray to black. The specific gravity is 2.6 to 2.7. Compressive strength varies from 100 to 200 N/mm2. They are used as roofing tiles, slabs, pavements etc.
It is a metamorphic rock. It is having porous and sponges structure. It contains high percentage of iron oxide. Its colour may be brownish, red, yellow, brown and grey. Its specific gravity is 1.85 and compressive strength varies from 1.9 to 2.3 N/mm2. It can be easily quarried in blocks. With seasoning it gains strength. When used as building stone, its outer surface should be plastered.
This is a metamorphic rock. It can take good polish. It is available in different pleasing colours like white and pink. Its specific gravity is 2.65 and compressive strength is 70–75 N/mm2. It is used for facing and ornamental works. It is used for columns, flooring, steps etc.
It is a metamorphic rock. It is having fine to coarse grains. Alternative dark and white bands are common. Light grey, pink, purple, greenish gray and dark grey coloured varieties are available. These stones are not preferred because of deleterious constituents present in it. They may be used in minor constructions. However hard varieties may be used for buildings. The specific gravity varies from 2.5 to 3.0 and crushing strength varies from 50 to 200 N/mm2.
Quartzites are metamorphic rocks. The structure is fine to coarse grained and often granular and branded. They are available in different colours like white, gray, yellowish. Quartz is the chief constituent with feldspar and mica in small quantities. The specific gravity varies from 2.55 to2.65. Crushing strength varies from 50 to 300 N/mm2. They are used as building blocks and slabs. Theyare also used as aggregates for concrete.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing stone display rack/board/box/case.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Should I install hardwood floors myself or pay someone to do it?

Installing hardwood floors is not as easy as taking a staple gun and connecting boards together. The process is much more complicated. And in certain conditions and climates, it can add an extra layer of difficulty.
Here are a few things to consider first and foremost.
Why We Recommend Against Installing Hardwood Floors Yourself
1. The raw materials are not as easy to replace in case you make a mistake.
Unlike painting a wall, or replacing your kitchen cabinets, the raw materials of hardwood floors are expensive. This means that if you decide to take the task upon yourself and run into a mistake along the way requiring you to use another board, you’ll be making costly mistakes.
2. Special tools are required.
You’re going to need a lot more than just a hammer and nail to get the job done. Many power and hand tools are required for a successful installation of hardwood floors. Just to give you an idea, here’s a list of tools required on the job:
• Saws of all types for getting the right dimensions of boards and planks
• Hygrometers for testing moisture levels – very important• Staplers
• Sanders
• Glue adhesives
• Floor leveling tools
• Air compressors
• Knee pads to prevent wear and tear on your knees
• Nail guns
• Buffers
• Adhesive removers & glue adhesives
Many other tools are required; this is just a basic list of what’s needed. Chances are, you won’t really be saving much money in the long run if you decide to install hardwood floors yourself, but lack all of the necessary tools.
3. Extra working knowledge is required.
If you’re literally working from scratch without having any prior knowledge of either hardwood floors or installation projects in general, then the likelihood of making a costly mistake along the way will be very high. We don’t recommend this be a project you decide to challenge yourself on, unless you truly know what you are doing.
You’ll need to know information such as how to center rooms, how much space should be left for gaps, how do I work around closets, fireplaces, staircases, etc.
By leaving the entire job to a professional, you’ll be certain to have the job done well & correctly from the start. If any mistakes happen, it’s on the professional to correct them on their own dime.Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing wood flooring display rack.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com


What packing boxes should I use when moving?

Packing boxes for moving house come in different shapes and sizes. Some are thick and strong and some are thin and less durable. There are large shipping boxes, medium and small cartons.You can even get custom made boxes. Did you know the packing boxes for moving can be made of cardboard, plastic or wood?
Unfortunately if you are moving for the first time in your life you need to learn what boxes you should use to pack and move particular items. Choosing a right box will result in your goods being better protected while in transit.
Book boxes
As implicit from the name, this is a type of box which has a specific usage. It is meant for packing books and similar heavy items like CD and cassette. This type of box is also known as book cases or book presses. It is normally moderately sized so that when filled with books, it will not be too heavy for one person to lift. It is the best type of moving box to be used when moving private libraries or school libraries to another location. This type of box has 3 tiers each one resting on another.
Wardrobe boxes
This is a type of box meant for the packing of clothes. A specially made rod or stick is attached at some height in the box for hanging of clothes. It serves as a temporary wardrobe for people moving house. Rather than spending time to fold your clothes, you will simply hang them in the box and seal it with a tape in preparation for moving. The clothes hung on the box will remain hanging throughout the period of moving. It is available either as a lay-down or stand-up box. Wardrobe boxes are not cheap but their are very handy and prevent all your suits and dresses from getting creased.
Flat boxes
These are specifically designed for packing of items that are flat. Flat boxes are not high. It is suitable for packing items like laptop, DVD or VCD devices, and items of similar size.
Mirror carton
It is specially meant for moving mirror and glassed framed photos as well as glass table tops moving. Such types of shipping cartons are normally padded or cushioned to protect the items inside it. Mirror boxes or carton is available in a number of sizes to suit different sizes of mirror, glass table tops, framed photos and similar items. They are usually flat and can telescope to hold even the largest paintings. Telescope boxes can be joined together.
Mattress carton
There are different types and sizes of bed such as crib, twin bed, double, king and queen size beds. When they are being moved, a special type of moving box is used. This is called mattress carton or box. It is available in various types to suit various needs.
Dish pack (barrel or dish barrel)
It comes with extra layer and strength making the safest moving box. It is specifically meant for packing of various types of kitchenware, crystal, small antiques, lamp bases, china and similar items.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing stone packing products-stone packing case,packing box,sample board and so on,More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


The three phases of flooring installation

There are basically three phases to a flooring installation :phase one, floor prep;phase two,installation of the floor; phase three, the finishing details, are the most important.
Phase 1
Phase one, floor prep, means making sure your substrate is clean, flat and dry. This is critical to any installation. For soft surfaces, making sure you have backed up or replaced any loose tack strip or old metals will make your carpet job smooth and relatively stress-free. There is nothing more frustrating when you are power-stretching carpet than to have popping tack strip.
For hard surface installations, not properly flattening, sealing and prepping your floor is usually the difference between being a pro and a weekend warrior. If while working on a floating install, you feel like you’re walking on a trampoline, then you probably left your 10’ straight edge at home. At this point you better stop what you’re doing, go home and get it. Pull up what you have done and fix it now, as fixing it later will take much more time and cost much more money.
Phase 2
Phase two is the actual installation of the floor. Sure, it looks pretty easy when you watch them do it on the DIY channel, which is why so many homeowner’s attempt to do it themselves. How hard can it be, right? Well, what they don’t realize is when you are paying for a quality installation, you are really paying for an excellent job not just in phase two, the install, but phases one (floor prep) and phase three (finishing details).
Phase 3
Properly installed base boards, quarter round, base shoe, T-moldings,  scribe moldings and other trims will make the difference , and set you apart from the DIYers. If you really want to set yourself apart from other installers, learn to stain and finish your own trims.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing wood flooring display rack.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com


Corrugated box styles and sturctures

The most common box style is the Regular Slotted Container. All flaps are the same length from score to edge. Typically the major flaps meet in the middle and the minor flaps do not.
The manufacturer's joint is most often joined with adhesive but may also be taped or stitched. The box is shipped flat (knocked down) to the packager who sets up the box, fills it, and closes it for shipment. Box closure may be by tape, adhesive, staples, strapping, etc.
Many other styles of corrugated boxes and structures are available:
  • FOL (Full Overlap): A Full Overlap Box is similar to an RSC except the major flaps fully overlap. Full-overlap flaps provide extra stacking strength and edge protection.
  • HSC (Half Slotted Container): Half-Slotted Containers (HSC) are similar to an RSC, but with only one set of flaps. They are useful when an open-top container is desired. HSCs can be used to create a telescope box.
  • A Full Telescope Box has two fully telescoping sections. The sections may be formed by staples, die-cut locks, adhesive, etc.
  • A Partial Telescope Box has two sections. The top telescopes partially over the bottom. Commonly used for holding printing paper.
  • A corrugated tray is often used for display purposes or used with a shrink wrap
  • Corrugated corner pads can be used for product support and cushioning
  • Special die-cut shapes have almost endless designs and uses.
The size of a box can be measured for either internal or external dimensions. Boxes are usually specified and ordered by the internal dimensions.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing stone packing box.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Stacking strength of Corrugated box

One of the important functions of a corrugated box is to provide crush resistance (product protection) and adequate strength for stacking in warehouses.
A box can be designed by optimizing the grade of corrugated board, box design, flute direction, and inner supports. Support from the product also provides "load sharing" and can be an important factor.Box closures sometimes can have effects on box stacking strength.
If long-term storage of corrugated boxes in high humidity is expected, extra strength and moisture resistance is called for.
The method of loading boxes on pallets strongly affects stacking. Vertical columns provide the best box performance while interlocking patterns of boxes significantly reduce performance. The interaction of the boxes and pallets is also important.
Box compression testing is a means of evaluating boxes, stacks of boxes, and unit loads under controlled conditions. Field conditions of stacking and dynamic compression do not have the same degree of control. Compression strength can be estimated based on container construction, size, and use parameters: actual package testing is often conducted to verify these estimates.
Many packaging engineers find it beneficial to periodically audit warehouses and visit customer's package receiving operations. When field performance is observed or documented to have problems, a new cycle of design and testing may be justified. for a corrugated box to withstand the deformation while stacking or storage.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com