
Flat/Sliced Pebble Mosaic Designs

Rather than round. Flat or sliced pebbles are just that. The pebbles have been cut to create a flat surface in a pebble look.
These flat designs come in pebbles and stone material. The stone material could be marble, travertine or limestone.
We love the look of the Mix Color Pebbles with its great colors. Wouldn't this look nice on a patio or porch?In addition to floors, flat pebbles look terrific on walls.
You can also find decorative pebble mosaics. These are flat or sliced pebbles with a pattern etched on the surface.
The example below - Light Color Fossil Pebbles - is a terrific example. Look at how this really cool etching creates a fossil effect on the tiles, creating an authentic Florida feel.
These can be installed on floors and walls.
Flat pebbles are very popular in showers, walkways and on the walls.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing effective solutions for design and manufacturing mosaic tile display,mosaic tile sample book,mosaic tile sample box.More info ,please click our website:mosaicdisplay.com


Choosing a Natural Stone for Your Poolside

A pool isn’t complete without the added look of natural stone. Natural stone is a timeless feature that enhances the look of the swimming pool area by giving it a classic feel. When you are considering your options and trying to determine what type of stone to get, keep in mind that granite and quartz are two of the most popular types that most people choose. This is due to the many benefits that each stone offers the customer.
Why Granite?
Granite, a natural stone that requires no manufacturing, has been used in homes for many years and has a look that never goes out of style. Given that it is natural, it has a variety of earth-toned colors that smoothly transition throughout. It is also eco-friendly in that it emits little carbon emissions during its preparation phase. Once sealed regularly, it can last for many years. One of the best features is that it does not reflect heat on a hot day.
Why Quartzite?
Quartzite is another customer favorite because of the uniformity that comes from its solid color. Many believe that this makes it easier to match with other outdoor décor. As an engineered stone, quartzite is easy to maintain because it only requires basic care. Given that it is a non-porous material, it is germ-free, which is a priority for an area where skin may be exposed. It, too, is very durable and can last for decades. Quartzite also stays cool in warm weather.
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Pebble Mosaics in Round Designs

Pebble mosaics bring the outdoors in since they are made from actual river rocks which makes them very durable. These mosaics can be used on floors in addition to the more traditional surface for mosaics - walls.
Pebbles are very easy to maintain - just clean them as you would a porcelain tile surface.
What makes them particularly exciting is how fun they are to design with!
You'll find a variety of pebbles to choose from - different color pebbles, different shapes, round designs and flat ones. You'll even find pebbles with inkjet designs (to be used only on walls). The end result is unique to you and unlike any other tile installation.
Round pebbles - how can anyone walk on those? Despite that, round pebbles are very popular for shower floors.
Once you add grout to round pebble mosaics, the pebbles are really soft on the feet.you can choose any number of grout colors to complement or contrast with the pebble design.
You also have a wide range of pebble mosaic colors to choose from.
Pebbles are versatile. You can use them on walls, floors and even outdoors.

Here's a fun use for pebbles... Isn't this outdoor shower design creative?
The rounded black pebbles in a white grout defines a distinct space for the shower;
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing effective solutions for design and manufacturing mosaic tile display,mosaic tile sample book,mosaic tile sample box.More info ,please click our website:mosaicdisplay.com


The modern Traditional kitchen

The modern Traditional kitchen looks deceptively simple. It features clean lines, neutral colors, and lots of light. But that description could also be applied to a science lab. Let's look at some of the details that make your Traditional kitchen an inviting, homey space.
The first elements that make a modern Traditional kitchen are light and space. Now, this can be hard if your kitchen is small, but it can be achieved with the right design features. Paint the walls and ceiling the same color to give the illusion of height. Lighter colors create more space than darker colors and they reflect more light. Take advantage of natural light when possible. If your kitchen has a window, frame it well and allow the sunshine in! It will make your space seem much more open. Make sure that you have adequate light fixtures to fill your space and give your kitchen a more open feeling.
Texture and color go hand in hand. Some cool kitchen chairs with an interesting, textured finish can be upholstered with a bright, colorful fabric or have a seat cushion with an interesting design. Counter top materials can also add texture. A light fixture with a vintage-inspired design brings a traditional vibe to your space. Embrace this new “traditional” design in your kitchen to bring your personality, comfort and style into the heart of your home
What makes the modern Traditional kitchen an inviting space? Color and texture are the keys. Pops of brighter colors can be incorporated lots of different ways. Incorporating elements like glass panes in your cabinet doors allows you to display your dishes as a design feature and is very cost-conscious. Having a back splash made of colorful mosaic tiles will brighten the space. A deep, rich colored marble or granite makes a gorgeous counter top. Having wood-stained elements adds character.
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The Importance Grout Choice Can Bring For Your Mosaic

See the photo below to discover what a difference grout choices can make. Each of the four tile sections is identical, with the obvious exception of the grout color. White grout (top) can make tiles seem more spread apart and allow the colors stand alone. Black grout (bottom) draws everything together and makes bright colors pop. However, dark colors can get a little lost in black grout.
The middle sections illustrate how more neutral choices can usually be the safest choices when grouting. It all depends on the project though. Do you have bright colors that will be set off beautifully by black grout? Then be bold, and grout with black! Do you want more contrast and separation between the objects in your mosaic? White may be the right choice then. For all else...gray is my personal favorite.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing effective solutions for design and manufacturing mosaic tile display,mosaic tile sample book,mosaic tile sample box.More info ,please click our website:mosaicdisplay.com


A Lovely Outdoor Space for Summer

Stone is a natural choice for outdoor decorating. It's durable, elegant and able to blend with any decorating style. Low-maintenance stone adds warmth and character that will delight you for years to come.
Start With A Patio
If you don't have a patio, or the one you have is looking a little the worse for wear, install a stone patio to get an instant upgrade. A stone patio will add elegance, versatility and high resale value to your house. Get started planning now so that your patio will be ready by the time warm weather hits.
Consider A Fireplace
Your indoor fireplace is probably the coziest spot in your home. Now you can recreate that same warm feeling by installing a source of warmth and light in your garden with a fireplace or fire pit. A stone floor seating area will make it even more inviting.
Add Water Features
A water feature adds constant, soothing sound to your garden. You could opt for a pond that attracts wildlife, birds and butterflies, who will appreciate having a water source on hot days. A freestanding stone birdbath with a waterfall feature is another way to add movement and beauty to your outdoor space.
Choose Your Stone
Quartz: Quartz has become a popular choice for countertops, for good reason. It's bright, beautiful and able to withstand all kinds of weather. You can use quartz to surround an outdoor fireplace or fire pit, to create seating benches or to make plant stands.

Granite: Although granite is beautiful and durable, it's not the best choice for an outdoor patio that's going to be subjected to freezing, wet conditions. Granite is a good choice for an outdoor dining table in a covered area, or as your barbecue counter, but be sure to put a stain-resistant sealant on it.
Lucastone Quartz: High-quality engineered stone provides some features that make it even better than natural stone for some projects. You can install it indoors or out, and it provides a uniform look. Lucastone is nonporous and stain-resistant. It's a great choice for for an outdoor tabletop or countertop, because it gives the look of granite but is much lighter in weight and easier to install.
Porcelain: Because it's fired at extremely high temperatures, porcelain tile is one of the strongest paving and building materials available. It's non-porous so it's able to withstand wetness and repel mildew. Porcelain tile comes in a huge variety of colors and styles. Tile is an excellent choice for all your outdoor buildings, from patios to fireplaces.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Glass transport Rack ,Slab Storage Rack .More info ,please click our website:slabrack.com


Mosaic Art Beginners Guide

1. Pick a surface:
Indoor - Plywood or MDF board for wall hangings, vases, pots, backsplashes, wooden boxes, an old table, pretty much anything except the kids or dog.
Outdoor - Cement stepping stones or a cement bench, terracotta pots, cement board for wall hangings, or your car if you don't mind the "eccentric" look. (Avoid anything that will absorb outdoor humidity and warp over time.)
2. Pick a design:
Draw your design onto the surface and be sure to keep it simple...at least a first until you find what works for you. If you'll be using light colored translucent tiles with an adhesive that dries clear, be careful not to place them directly over the lines you've drawn, as the lines will show through the tile.
Consider a background design color that will contrast with the focal point of your design. If you're making dark red flowers with dark green leaves and then use dark blue tiles for your background, it will all blend together. A lighter background will help the vibrant colors of your design jump out!
3. Pick a method:
Direct method - Glue tiles directly to your surface, one at a time. This method is the most popular & recommended for most projects. Your end result will give you a masterpiece that looks handmade, which is probably what you want. You don't want to work you heart out only to have something that looks like it was just mass produced in a factory. (For the purpose of these instructions, I will be referring to the direct method.)
Indirect method - Set tiles in place on a sheet of mosaic mount, face down, before flipping over to place on mosaic surface all at once. This method is recommended for a table top that needs to be smooth. The end result will give you a flush surface.
4. Glue those tiles!
Most mosaic adhesives come in a bottle with a narrow squirt-top. You can choose to put a dot of glue on the back of each tile one at a time, dot your surface as you go, or draw a whole line of glue & work you way across it. It's entirely up to you. If you see too much glue squishing out to the sides of the tiles and filling the spaces between tiles, try using a little less.
ou usually have at least an hour to move tiles around (with some effort, depending on how much time the glue has had to dry). If the glue is really dry, and you just have to reposition a tile, try wedging a flat-head screw driver under one side and giving the end a light tap with a hammer. Keep in mind that the beauty of mosaics is their uniqueness. Don't shoot for perfection! The less perfect it is, the more you'll love it in the end! Tiles that don't lay perfectly flat or in line with each other will play with the light in different ways. This is why the direct method is recommended - your masterpiece will be so much more fun to look at!
5.Time to grout: At least 24-hours after glue has dried.
Grout color is a personal choice. Black grout helps your colors pop, and it's usually my personal favorite. Lighter shades work well too - it all depends on your project.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing effective solutions for design and manufacturing mosaic tile display,mosaic tile sample book,mosaic tile sample box.More info ,please click our website:mosaicdisplay.com


What Do I Need to Install Glass Shelves?

When your install glass shelves you need:
  1. Shelves
  2. Hardware
  3. Level
  4. Drill
  5. Stud finder
  6. Pencil
  7. Tape measure
  8. Blue painter’s tape
  9. Glass Shelf Installation

Once you’ve found the perfect location for your glass shelves, ask yourself how much weight they will hold. Perhaps the type of shelf kit you purchased will answer this for you. Look at the hardware and the wall anchors the shelf came with. If it came with drywall anchors, the shelf will easily hold a few books or interior decorations if you install it on drywall. But if you have plans for potted plants, many books or a heavy rock collection display, you must use anchors that go into the wall studs. In general, a quarter-inch pane of glass that is 24 inches long and 6 inches wide can support 15 pounds with wall stud anchors at each end. Use thicker glass or more anchors to support more weight. Overloading a glass shelf is very dangerous; if you’re worried, consult an expert to prevent disaster.
Glass Shelves Placement
Next, you must decide on the height and placement of the shelves. Consider the height of items you want to display and how easily you want to access them. If you’re displaying fragile decorations, place the shelf out of reach of young ones. Or if there will be a potted plant that needs to be watered frequently, put the shelf at a convenient height. You can use a strip of blue painter’s tape on the wall to get an idea of an appropriate height. Apply a strip of tape (cut to the length of the shelf) on the wall, and take a few steps back or ask for a second opinion before you start drilling into the walls. Make sure the shelf won’t interfere with opening doors or cabinets once installed.
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