
Wood flooring is environmentally friendly

Many people are attracted to wood floors because of their elegant and quality appearance. They are a beautiful addition to a home and they are also an eco-friendly choice. Wood flooring is environmentally friendly.
Wood is a carbon neutral product and provides oxygen during its life cycle.
Indoor air quality is greatly improved when wood floors are present and installed correctly.
Production of wood flooring saves natural resources because they use less water and energy than other materials.
Another great benefit of wood flooring is that it can most definitely be recycled or burned as fuel. This is not the case for various other flooring options.
Aside from looking wonderful in a home, wood floors are truly the best option when deciding on an eco-friendly material. They last for decades and do not need to be replaced frequently.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Wood flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


Marble Flooring is a good choice

Some avoid marble because they hear it’s hard to keep “looking nice” or they think it’s too expensive. But marble is actually a versatile and durable material. Think about it. It’s been used for centuries! This means it’s also timeless. So while it may cost more than some other options you have, rest assured your marble floor will long outlive you—if you let it. It does take some care, but this can be far outweighed by the sheer elegance it offers.
When it’s first installed, your marble floor will need a protective sealant. Your natural stone supplier can recommend the best product for the particular marble you’ve selected. You will likely need to reapply this sealant every year, at the very least. But fear not…it’s actually a very easy process. There are many products available that need only be applied and left to dry.
Cleaning will be very important for your marble floor. The best way to keep marble clean is to remove dirt, grit, and other materials as often as possible. With your marble being in your entryway, this will be of particular importance. Grime and dirt left on the marble can cause minute scratches on the surface of the marble, which may become noticeable over time. So clean the surface with a damp cloth, soft broom, or non-abrasive vacuum as regularly as possible. Wipe up any spills immediately and avoid harsh cleaning chemicals. Never use bleach, vinegar, or acidic-based cleaners on your marble, as they will degrade the surface over time.
You’ll want to mop your marble floor with water as often as necessary to keep grime and dirt at bay, and then quickly and thoroughly dry it. Just as important as cleaning frequency is the cleaning agent used. Never use chemicals on your marble floor. Harsh cleaners or acidic substances will damage it. Use only hot or warm water and a specially formulated stone floor cleaner.  Mild soap won’t actually harm the stone, but if you use it consistently, it may lead to a dull “soap scum” like film over the surface. It may go without saying, but it’s very important…do not use bathroom tub and tile or grout cleaners on your marble. The abrasives in these agents will wreak havoc on delicate marble. The safest way is to use a professional cleaner specifically made for marble.
To keep the marble in your foyer looking great for a long time to come and cut down on grime, place a non-slip mat outside the door for visitors to wipe their feet. On the inside, be sure to place a small carpet or area rug to capture any remaining debris.
Marble is definitely beautiful. And like many beauties, it requires diligent care. But follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to having a beautiful marble floor that will last for decades
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing  sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Engineered wood flooring and its benefits

The fact about engineered hardwood is, it’s actually real hardwood! There are many benefits of choosing an engineered product. To help you understand the basics, engineered hardwoods are made up of layers that are “glued together in a cross-grain construction.” It is stronger than a piece of solid wood and can be installed direct to concrete. The top layer of the hardwood “provides the most uniform color and the most resistance to seasonal expansion.” If concerned about the environmental factors of your flooring, engineered hardwood has beneficial aspects when it comes to the Earth.
If considering engineered wood flooring for your home, the main question you might ask is: What’s the advantage of using an Engineered wood floor over a Solid nail down floor? The answer is simple.
“Engineered hardwood floors can be installed in areas where there is slightly higher relative humidity levels. Engineered wood flooring being more stable is a great choice to use in summer homes where the heat is turned lower when no one is there. Because manufacturing engineered flooring does not waste valuable prized wood below its wear layer, purchasing engineered flooring also helps conserve our forests.”
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Wood flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


Choosing Natural Stone Tiles

Whether you’re working on a shower, backsplash, floor, fireplace surround, or another surface you’re covering with tile, it’s important to choose a tile that will stand up to scuffs, spills, cleaners, and the other factors that can wear on a surface.
Not sure what kind of tile you should select for your project? Here are some things to consider…
• Where will it be placed? Whether it’s for a backsplash, countertop, or floor will help you decide how durable your tile needs to be. For example, is it for a residential area such as a foyer or bathroom? For a foyer, be sure to select something that won’t easily scratch as people walk in and out. In the bath, you can choose a bit of a more delicate material since most of the time users will be barefoot.
• How much maintenance is “too much” for you? Marble takes a bit more work than granite. But both are worth a little effort. The color tile you choose matters too. For example, a light marble will help conceal small scratches.
• What size tiles do you want to use? Larger tiles are very trendy and rectangular tiles, such as those measuring 12-inches by 24-inches or bigger, are also very hot right now. And, of course, smaller subway tiles are lovely, always offering a classic look.
• For flooring, how much foot traffic does the area experience?
• What’s your budget? Tile comes in a wide range of prices, so be sure to narrow down your budget before you begin researching your options.Marble is one of the more popular natural stone tile choices, mainly because it’s beautiful and timeless. The whirling patterns and nuances of marble make it so distinctive. It requires some specific maintenance and must be sealed regularly, but the classic, luxurious look of marble makes it a natural choice.
Granite,  is a popular tile choice because it’s exceptionally durable in addition to being attractive. Granite is actually the second hardest substance on earth, next to diamonds. It’s very easy to clean, plus it can be used just about anywhere. Flamed or honed surfaces offer a distinctive look that also offers added resistance to stains, scratches, and other wear and tear.
Marble is one of the more popular natural stone tile choices, mainly because it’s beautiful and timeless. The whirling patterns and nuances of marble make it so distinctive. It requires some specific maintenance and must be sealed regularly, but the classic, luxurious look of marble makes it a natural choice.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing  sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Advantages of wood in your kitchen

Wood is a durable,timeless and beautiful building material that every homeowner loves. If you are preparing to remodel your kitchen or spruce up your existing kitchen, you are probably investigating all of the many building materials that are available to you. There are countless advantages of using wood in your kitchen, and here are some of our favorites.
Wood kitchens are very durable and resist moisture beautifully. Instead of chipping away or being damaged by knives or regular wear and tear, wood kitchens will last for long periods of time without damage or decay. Even better, you can also have your wood cabinets refinished without needing to replace them. Other cabinet materials will need to be immediately replaced when they are out of style or damaged. Wood cabinets can simply be refaced for a bright new look and years more of functional use.
When choosing a kitchen design that matches you, wood is one of the safest building materials that you can choose. Wood cabinets and wood countertops will never go out of style. Wood kitchens are simple, practical, and durable. They will remain trendy even as other trends go in and out of style thanks to its beautiful grain and natural look. Wood kitchens can also work with just about any color scheme, especially if you choose a lighter-colored or neutral-colored wood.
Using wood in your kitchen brings an air of sophistication to your kitchen, even if you have evidence (or finger paintings) from your family on the refrigerator. Wood kitchens offer a base to showcase your personality with charming décor or fun furniture accents. Wood kitchens are also more inviting, since wood is a natural building material and associated with feelings of hominess and warmth.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Wood flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


Choosing an unique granite according to your personality

Though granite is the most popular choice for kitchen countertops today, there is no reason your countertop should look just like your neighbor’s. There are as many options in granite as there are for cabinet styles and colors. Combine that with the variety of finishes available and you’re guaranteed to have a look as unique as you are.
Since granite can be found all over the world, and since each area holds many different types of minerals, coloring can vary greatly. Some minerals appear like small, shiny flecks. Some manifest themselves as bold veins of varying shades. Granite itself comes in many different colors from warm brown and edgy black to subtle green and eye-catching yellow.
Granite is naturally very durable. Since it has low porosity, it is resistant to water, scratches, and stains. Plus, it will stand up to changes in temperature and last a very long time. (Remember: a granite sealant will offer an extra layer of protection.) Granite countertops are easy to clean. Just wipe with a clean, damp cloth and use a small amount of soap when necessary. (Avoid ammonia, bleach, or any cleaning products containing solvents or caustics, as they will erode the sealant.)
You can choose an unique granite according to your personality.Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing  sample boards,granite sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.co


How to clean your hardwood

Hardwood floors are unique. They add taste, style, and elegance to your home. We all know that wood floors are an expensive purchase. Therefore, it is important to keep them looking just as they did when you first installed them. Although not all hardwood floors are the same, they all need special treatment to keep them clean. The first step is simple—make sure you have a soft bristle broom in handy for those daily dust removing touch ups. Avoid using brooms that have hard bristles because they may damage the floors. If you choose to vacuum, be sure not to scratch the floor. The hose attachment may be helpful to gather extra dust near the baseboards of the floor. The attachment is a safer choice because it is difficult to repair damaged wood caused by a vacuum. If a water spill occurs, wipe it immediately with a towel. Use a dry-damp mop so that extra water does not seam into the floor. Now that the simple cleaning rules are understood, more extensive care may have to occur if the floor is beginning to look dull. If this happens, waxing and buffing the floor can be done by using a buffer machinurle. Most of the time, wood floors needs a good mop cleaning when it comes to certain stains that are sometimes unavoidable, especially with a full house. Most of the time, a damp cloth will do the trick. Remember to dry the spot so that water is not left behind. Of course there are products and solutions on the market that help when it comes to spills or accidents. Most products contain wax which gives the floors an extra glow. Depending on the type of floors in your house, it is always best to find a solution best fit for the kind and quality of floor you have. Important tip: Be sure to never dump an entire bucket of solution onto the floor. It could leave unwanted streak marks. Remember that to keep your hardwood in its best condition, maintain its quality by cleaning and dusting it frequently.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


Adding value to your home with natural stone in many ways

Many homeowners think that natural stone is pricy compared to other materials. But what they don’t always think about is the value it infuses. Natural stone can boost the value of your home, both inside and out. It’s far more affordable and accessible today than it was a decade ago. Few other building materials offer the elegance and longevity of natural stone. Strength, durability, originality, quality, and heat retention are just a few attributes that make natural stone a desirable building material. If you incorporate natural stone into your space, it will last the lifetime of your home.
You can add value to your home with natural stone in many ways—Here are a few suggestions:
1. Update the kitchen. Because the kitchen is the most valued space in a home, it’s worth investing in. Natural stone will help add new life to an old space. Besides new kitchen countertops (which will quickly add value to any home), you can use natural stone tile on the floor or walls. Add an eye-catching backsplash or even add stone to an island or cooktop area.
2. Add stone to the bath. The bathroom is another high-traffic area. And the possibilities for adding natural stone are endless. Placing natural stone in the shower, on the floor, and as a vanity top will add immediate value. But details such as shower seats, accents, inlays, water features, and bathroom backsplashes made of natural stone will give your home’s value a boost.
3. Add a “Wow” factor to walls. Natural stone isn’t reserved just for the kitchen or bath. It adds a real “wow” factor to any room in the house, creating a sense of luxury and opulence. Covering vertical spaces such as walls with natural stone adds a warmth and texture that’s unparalleled. It’s a look that feels exceptionally indulgent. and a project that can be done relatively easily.
4. Floor it. Natural stone flooring definitely adds value to any home. As long as you’re comfortable with the cleaning and maintenance required, store floors are a wonderful upgrade for boosting home prices. Nothing compares to the matchless beauty of natural stone floors. And since natural stone has exceptional heat retaining properties, it delivers both an aesthetic and a practical value.
5. Take it outside. Using natural stone on a home’s exterior can make it appear more stately and elegant. A limestone façade, for example, might be pricier than brick or other common materials, but it will always add value, more than paying for itself. Pavers, walkways, steps, windowsills, crown molding, and front stairs, will appeal to most buyers.
When natural stone is incorporated into your home improvement projects, the value of your home will rise quickly.Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing  sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


How your wood floors reflect your style

The correct flooring and texture go hand in hand with the interior design of your home. It has much to do with the layout, feel of your home, and the style that you wish to have. Wood flooring has become a very popular, modern trend that many have become fond of as an addition to their homes.
Design sets a sense of style that catches an eye when entering a room. In order to choose your perfect hardwood flooring, design is the first step that factors into your transformation. It is ultimately the most important decision when it comes to choosing the correct flooring.
In fact, your own inspiration is what sets the decision making process. Start with a plan. How would your room look in order for you to be content with it when you walk in? Ask yourself a few more questions. What objects in your home inspire your lifestyle? Do you enjoy a modern look? A contemporary one? Or are you more traditional when it comes to the comfort of your home? Of course, there are many more factors that go into the decisions of creating your newly designed room. Considerations include the size of the room, color of the walls, and the idea that the colors must complement each other for the final product to be beautiful. It is important to remember the color of your floors should not match perfectly with your walls or furniture. Diversity is key, but it should also be done tastefully. The color of your wood floor can be light, natural, or a darker stain. It is all up to your own preference.
Remember, plenty of design magazines and books have even more visual tips to help create your perfect home. When your interior style changes, there are many things you can do to re-arrange the look of your home. Furniture and accessories say it all when a change of heart occurs!
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.