
Get a Spa-like Feeling Bath With Natural Stone

Incorporating natural stone into the bath can bring that spa-like feeling home, letting you enjoy its soothing restorative magic day in and day out.
Natural stone like marble and granite is popular in the bath for a reason. Not only are these materials aesthetically beautiful, but the blend of water, light, and stone has been a healing combination for centuries. The Roman baths were almost entirely made of stone and were considered a communal gathering place as well as a place to pamper the body.
Although one might think of natural stone as primarily for ornamentation or decoration, there’s more to it than that. We feel these natural surfaces on a spiritual level too. Natural elements like stone are not only luxurious, but they help remind us of the connection we have with the earth. And just a little bit of natural stone can bring warmth into the whole environment, transforming an entire living space into a sanctuary and infusing a sense of peace and harmony.
Natural stone creates a sense of intimacy. It’s elegant, durable, and truly timeless—all attributes that make us feel good. So, how do you get that spa-like feeling at home? Here are a few ways you can incorporate natural stone into the bath:
Marble Flooring: Natural stone floors are comforting. The feel of bare feet on natural stone feels very soothing to the body. Marble is an excellent choice. Go for a honed finish. It may be more subtle than a gleaming polished finish, however it will provide better traction, especially in a room that experiences a lot of dampness.
Granite Countertops: Granite is still the top-selling countertop material in America. The traits that make it great in the kitchen also make it perfect for the bathroom. Granite is hard, scratch-resistant, and requires minimal upkeep when properly sealed. Granite isn’t affected by humidity and is resistant to heat, making it the perfect spot to rest your hot curling iron. Not only does granite come in a rainbow of color options but it also adds value to your home since it’s so desirable.
Steam Shower: Nothing says “luxurious spa retreat” like your own personal steam room. Steam showers are the new “must have” element in today’s luxury bathrooms. Steam is said to provide countless mental and physical health benefits. Natural stone can help transform a steam shower into a beautiful, indulgent oasis.
Shower Bench: A shower bench is not only practical, it’s a great idea for creating a place to rest and relax in the shower. A shower bench can also serve as a visual focal point. Whether fabricating it in a unique shape or using a stunning stone meant to catch the eye, it can add a bit of drama to an otherwise unnoticed area.
Water Feature: A water feature made out of mosaic tile, granite, or marble can go a very long way in creating a soothing spa environment. First off, the bubbling sound of the water eases away tensions while the feature itself serves as an artistic focal point. Whether it’s purely decoration or it has functional purpose, a bathroom water feature creates inviting ambiance.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing  sample boards,stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Environmental Facts of Hardwood Floors

8 Environmental Facts of Hardwood Floors:
  • Average annual net growth for hardwoods is greater than average annual removals
  • Trees absorb CO2 from the air and store it
  • Indoor air quality is better with wood floors
  • Wood is a carbon neutral product that produces oxygen during its growth cycle and stores carbon during its service life
  • Wood floors use less water and energy to produce than other flooring options .
  • At the end of its service life, wood flooring can be burned as fuel or recycled
  • Wood floors last hundreds of years, so they won’t need to be replaced as often as other flooring options
  • While it takes most hardwood trees 40-60 years to mature, the inventory planted today won’t be needed for 100-plus years
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


Quartz is the New Top Choice For Countertops

Once upon a time, granite was the first and last word in residential kitchen countertops. When homeowners fantasized about their dream kitchens, there was no doubt that granite countertops would be a part of it. With their timeless elegance and excellent resale value, it’s no wonder that granite ruled. That is, until now. According to the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) there is a new number-one for residential kitchen countertops and that material is quartz.
Though granite is still an incredibly popular (and excellent) choice for kitchen countertops, many are starting to recognize the appeal of quartz. A manmade surface, quartz is the first surface to give granite a run for its money. Over the past five years or so, more homeowners and designers have begun to realize the benefits of quartz surfaces and there has been a steady increase in the specification of quartz in kitchen and bath projects
Ease of Maintenance
Quartz surfaces do not require sealing, oiling or waxing. And because they are non-porous, they’re easier to clean. Bacteria can’t get inside, so it can’t proliferate.
The high quartz content makes the material exceptionally tough and very durable. It’s also resistant to stains and scratches. And thanks to its durability, quartz surfaces can prove cost-effective in the long run.
Looks Like Natural Stone
Manufacturers produce quartz countertops in everything from solid colors to imitation granite and marble. In fact, some of the most beautiful quartz that we offer look so much like authentic marble that almost no one would suspect it isn’t the real thing.
It comes in a wide range of colors, unlike natural stone, which is limited to the natural process through which it’s formed. Because it’s available in nearly any color of the rainbow and since it can be easily fabricated into virtually any shape or size, quartz countertops can fit practically any style of décor.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing  sample boards,quartz stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Quartz countertops are gaining momentum

Although granite has been a consumer favorite for countertops for a number of years, quartz countertops are gaining momentum. According to a 2017 Houzz study, granite was chosen 41% of the time and quartz 40%. This may be due in part to the ever-growing variety of designs, colors, and patterns coming on the market. Quartz countertops are also growing in popularity because today’s busy families prefer to avoid the maintenance needed with granite.
Quartz countertops do not need periodic re-sealing like some granite products do. Even though advances have provided for 15-year sealing for granite, the population at large still believes it must be done annually. This widespread, albeit incorrect, belief is spurring more interest in quartz countertops.
Another reason for the growing trend toward quartz countertops is the desire for lighter colors. A lot of granite is dark by comparison, and the neutral, light tones being offered by the quartz industry are more appealing to some homeowners. In fact, the look of marble is especially popular, and quartz countertops that mimic marble are one of the hottest products at the moment. Of course, quartz countertops are also available in darker colors if that is your preference.
If you are looking to improve your home and keeping with trends is important to you, going with quartz countertops is an ideal solution. It is easy to modernize your kitchen so that your home has increased value and marketability.Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing  sample boards,quartz stone sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


Laminate Floor and Engineered Hardwood

Laminate Floor
laminate floor may satisfy your needs when a solid hardwood floor has been eliminated as a feasible option. Laminate flooring is durable, scratch- resistant, and designed for high traffic areas. It is also very easy to maintain, with an attractive quality that separates it from other flooring options. But here is where it parts ways with both solid hardwood flooring and engineered hardwood flooring; laminate flooring is an imitation of real wood. Actually, it’s literally a photo of real wood, constructed with a top photographic layer laminated with an aluminum oxide finish. This finish gives laminate floors their rugged resistance to abrasion. Beneath the photograph or “décor” layer is layer of dense fiber board which is strong and serves as a good core. A bottom layer or “backing” will act as a stabilizer as well as providing moisture protection. So in very clear ways, laminate flooring is quite different from both solid hardwood flooring and engineered hardwood flooring. A solid hardwood floor is, of course, made completely of a natural hardwood species; an engineered hardwood floor has a single top layer of natural hardwood. So while both solid hardwood and engineered hardwood contain real hardwood species, a laminate floor contains no hardwood species at all. Technically then, if you have a laminate floor, you don’t have a hardwood floor.
Much like engineered hardwood floors, you can typically float laminate floors. But, you can’t glue laminates to a sub-floor, nor can you nail them down. A laminate floor requires an underlayment. Many lines of laminate floors have incorporated a tongue-and-groove design which makes it very easy to install, particularly if you’re not a professional.
Engineered Hardwood
If you were to ask which of the two options was closer to solid hardwood, the answer would be engineered hardwood flooring, simply because engineered hardwood contains a top layer of real hardwood. This top hardwood layer lends the floor an air of authenticity without the additional expense. The look and feel of solid hardwood is reflected in your flooring, but with an additional layer of either high density fiber or multiple layers of plywood underneath. This additional layer is what is called a core. The core in the engineered hardwood flooring gives you a considerable advantage in certain areas where solid hardwood would not be as suitable; for example, it is designed to reinforce the hardwood when it is exposed to humidity or other environmental factors which can damage solid hardwood.

You can float an engineered hardwood floor as well, unlike solid hardwood, with locking systems designed for an easier installation. There are some varieties of engineered hardwood flooring that can be glued down to a concrete sub-floor. The glue acts similarly to an underlayment to protect the flooring from temperature changes and moisture. Many types of engineered hardwood feature a locking system with a great deal of flexibility: you can put it down, and take it up when it’s time to move. 
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.


Quality Marble Countertops

What is marble? It’s a metamorphic rock that contains crystallized limestone. It has a luxurious surface that lends sophistication and warmth to spaces. Marble is rich with color variations and crystals and is available in a range of shades, including pink, green, black, cream and white.
Here are a few things you should know about quality marble countertops:
Edges, Overhangs and Thickness: Thickness varies from ¾ inch to 1¼ inches. The standard overhang is 1 inch to 1¼ inches. Edge options vary, but the most popular is straight.
Types of Marble: Carrera is a blue-gray or white marble with soft veining that gives it a feel of old world charm. Calcutta/Calacatta is white marble with more distinctive grayish-brown veining.
Tiles or Slabs: Quality marble countertops can come as tiles or slabs. Slabs offer a seamless and solid look. If you want your countertops to be arched or curved, a seam will be needed. If you like the look of marble but find it too pricey, consider tiles.
Maintenance and Care: A little prevention goes a long way when it comes to keeping quality marble countertops looking like new. Set coasters under glasses, place trivets under hot pots and pans, wipe up any spills immediately, and use cutting boards when slicing food. Marble is vulnerable to etching, so be particularly careful with acids. Don’t use vinegar to wipe the counters down, and be attentive when pouring orange juice.
Luxurious marble will last a lifetime. It might not be the most durable choice, but the cool and smooth surface makes it perfect for countertops.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing  sample boards,marble sample case and other stone sample packing products.More info ,please click our website:stonepackingcase.com


How were engineered hardwood floors invented?

Prior to the second world war most homes in America had solid hardwood flooring. Homes were built on raised wooden sub-floors which allowed for solid wood to be installed by nailing the planks into the sub-floor.
When World War II ended in 1945 all the young vets were coming back home. They were getting married and starting families and so the building industry saw a spike in the demand for new homes. New homes needed to be built quickly and inexpensively. So as a result tract housing neighborhoods were developed and concrete slab foundations were developed as a new technology replacing raised wood sub-floors.
This created a problem for the hardwood flooring industry because you could not put solid wood directly on concrete. So the need for new types of flooring grew in demand. More homes were installing linoleum and wall-to-wall carpet.
So the wood flooring industry which lost a tremendous amount of market share basically had to get together and come up with a hardwood floor that could be glued or floated directly on a concrete slab and be resistant to moisture… the Engineered Hardwood Floor was born.
Tsianfan industry has a team dedicated to providing you with the most cost effective solutions for design and manufacturing Flooring display racks.More info ,please click our website:flooringdisplaystand.com.