
How to add Value to home

Are you looking for a change in design and style for your home? If you are looking to invest your money into your home, why not place it somewhere where it will last for many years to come and increase the value in your home?
Marble and granite are naturally stones formed deep in the earth's core. Over millions of years of formation, these stones finally appear as unique and different stones with a multitude of colours and movement. Each slab and tile is exceptional and brings an element of luxury to any project. Even if you do not use nature's creation to floor your whole house, just a splash of marble on a fireplace or a granite countertop can transform your home into one of luxury.
Investing in natural stone for your home will upgrade your daily living situation.When you improve your home, upgrading your kitchen countertops.Changing your kitchen countertops from a laminate material to a granite countertop is a dramatic move that will boost value. Using stylish granite for your kitchen countertops and sinks are the best investment for your home. An upgraded kitchen will improve home value and provide enjoyment
for many years to come. Granite or marble countertops will make a home more appealing to buyers than will older countertops made from materials like laminate or wood.
You should consider your countertops as the main focus of your kitchen.Granite countertops are both practice and impactful to your lifestyle and home value .
Stone Sample suitcase for granite.



Marble countertops have been increasing in demand for usage in kitchen
There are a couple of reasons why people are moving to marble. It is part of a general trend toward white kitchens. Marble can give a white,bright,light-reflecting surface that is unlike any other material. The growing preference for marble is also a simple desire for something different.
marbleThe Benefits of Marble
Marble is strong and durable. It doesn’t chip easily, and can be repaired quickly if it does. Marble is also heat resistant and comes in many different colors.
Apart from its functional qualities, marble is simply beautiful. It is cool, timeless and classic. It ages and becomes more beautiful with use, developing a patina that is unique to the life it has lived in your home.
The Drawbacks of Marble
Marble does have a couple of drawbacks. Contact with acidic foods and abrasive cleansers should be avoided, but marble is easily cleaned with mild dish detergent and a soft cloth or sponge.It is easily stained and is susceptible to etching. Proper sealing of marble will go a long way toward making it stain resistant, but any spilled liquid that is left too long will be absorbed by the stone. Scratching can be minimized by proper care of the countertops.
The two finishes that are available for marble can affect its performance. The high sheen of polished marble is less likely to stain but more likely to be scratched,while the matte finish of honed marble can stain but is scratch-resistant.
Stone sample case for marble


10 types of natural stone finishes for interior and exterior applications

The surface of natural stone may be finished in a wide variety of ways. Using different techniques and mechanical processes, natural stone can be adapted to interior and exterior applications.It is important to choose natural stone finishes suitable for an intended use. These are 10 types of  stone finishes: Stone sample case
The stone is sold as extracted from the quarry, once cut into the desired format. The final look depends entirely on the characteristics of the stone and its exploitation. This finish is appropriated for cladding and cobblestones.
This procedure is characterized by the use of constant vibration on the stone surface to simulate aging. Although different methods are used to achieve this finish,all generate soft surfaces.
This is an aging process similar to the one applied to achieve an antique finish. In this case, natural stone is introduced in a vibrating drum-like machine with smaller, more resistant stones that wear the tile completely. Tumbled finish simulates aging and generates soft surfaces and edges.
Stones are polished by repeated application of abrasive treatments. This technique produces a shiny surface, with almost zero porosity, while improving resistance.Polished finish highlights the color and properties of the natural stone. It is commonly used as interior wall and floor dressing, as well as bench tops and in kitchen countertops. It is not recommended for outdoor paving, since it reduces slip resistance.
This finish is created by hitting the material, manually or mechanically, with a masonry tool called a bush hammer. Bush hammered generates uniformly distributed craters of different sizes over the surface of natural stone. The surface becomes non-slip, ideal for high traffic external areas.
This is similar to the bush-hammered finish. This finis is achieved by repeatedly blasting silica sand against the material through an air gun. Sanblasted finish generates very small craters that highlight the color of the stone.
A leather finish is obtained by a process of brushing the slab with a range of brushes. The result is a slightly undulating surface, very soft, warm and smooth to the touch. Only a few materials are sourced with this finish such as granite.
This finish is made with traditional masonry tools, chipping the stone with controlled blows. Mushroom finish gives the stone a distinctive rustic appearance, with relief and irregularities.
This finish is created by “sawing” the stone with diamond disc teeth. It produces a somewhat rough and irregular surface with small furrows and undulations. Sawn finish makes the stone lighter and gives it a matte tone. Sawn finish is available for external paving, steps, pathways, driveways and patios.
This finish is achieved by exposing the surface of the stone directly to a high temperature flame. Flamed finish generates a thin roughness and protects the material for outdoor installation.
For further information, visit stonepackingcase.com


The Benefits of Tile Floors

Many people are taking the carpet in living rooms, and placing tile down instead. This is because there are many benefits to tile floors. Learning about some of these benefits will help you decide if tile is ideal in your home.
Tile Floors are Easier to Clean
Another benefits to tile floors is that they are easy to clean. Most simply need to be swept to remove dirt, dust. They should be mopped as needed to remove mud or other elements. The amount of cleaning required is minimal, which makes them appealing to those who don't have a lot of time to clean their floors.
Tile Floors are Inexpensive to Care For
If you have carpets, you may come to find out that carpet can be expensive to care for. You have to buy a vacuum cleaner and spend money on belts and bags. You have to buy carpet cleaners to prevent stains when spills or pet accidents occur. You may buy a waterproofing product to protect your carpet. And your carpet should be deep cleaned every six months to remove embedded dirt, which can be pricey.
Tile Floors Help Keep Your House Cooler
One of the biggest benefits to tile flooring is that tile floors help to keep your home coolerin the summer. Carpet helps to retain heat, which can make your home feel warmer in the summer.It can help you keep your air conditioning use to a minimum and save on your energy expenses.
They Don't Hold in Allergens
The last benefit to tile floors is that they don't hold in allergens. If you have someone in your family who has a breathing condition, such as asthma, or severe allergies, you have to avoid carpet flooring. Carpet can hold in pet dander, dust and other allergens that can irritate these conditions. Tile does not do this, making it a great option for households with allergen concerns.
There are Many Different Types of Tile
Another major benefit to tile is that there are various kinds of floor tile materials available. You can pick ceramic tiles or natural stone tiles, just to name a few of the options.There is a tile for everyone and every style of home. It does not matter whether you want high-end materials, what your budget is, what color tile you want or what size of tile you want. The options are limitless when it comes to tiles available for tile flooring.
If you are considering placing tile in your home, you will want to learn about the different benefits of tile. Tile is easier and less inexpensive to care for, it can help keep your home cooler in the summer,tiles do not hold in allergens, tile is hard to stain, there are tiles to appeal to every style out there. Tile floor is one of your best choice.


Top 5 reasons to use granite countertops

Granite countertops are becoming increasingly popular.If you're looking for a great kitchen counter that's durable, attractive, and easy to maintain, go with granite countertops.They are beautiful, durable, and versatile and can improve the looks of any home. The wide range of granite countertops colors makes them able to match any decor perfectly. Plus they add a sense of elegance and style. There are a number of other benefits to using granite countertops. They are heat, acid, and chemical resistant, don't easily get chipped or scratched, are available in several patterns and textures, and maintaining them is a breeze.
Granite was tested against concrete, laminate, stainless steel, tile, and wood to see which is the most hygienic. Granite was second to only stainless steel when it comes to resistance to bacteria according to the report by the Hospitality Institute of Technology and anagement.
Wide Variety of Colors for Granite Countertops
Granite countertops are available in a wide range of colors. This makes it easy to match it to the color scheme of any kitchen. You can even find the perfect shade to match your cabinets and your floors. You can also get the colors in a variety of different patterns.
Granite Countertops are Inexpensive To Maintain
Granite countertops are very easy to maintain. They do not require any special chemicals or equipment. If you have any spills or stains removing them is simple. All you have to do is wipe off the countertops with soap and water and a clean rag. With this minimal amount of maintenance your granite countertops will look great for years.
Durability of Granite Coutertops
Granite's mineral composition makes it durable and scratch-resistant. It is impervious to heat and water, and holds up to constant use without losing its beauty and luster. Under normal conditions granite countertops are durable enough to virtually last forever. They can potentially even outlast your home.
Granite is Green
Granite is a natural, attractive, and environmentally safe surface for food preparation. Plus it makes your kitchen look great.
Stone sample case for granite.


How To Clean Hardwood Flooring

Your house finally feels like a home when your wood floor is installed. How do you care for it?Let's discuss it as follows:
Position floor mats both outside and inside exterior doors to lessen tracked-in dirt. In snowy or rainy weather, include a boot removal area to avoid damage from water and de-icers.Prevent marks by using floor protectors under furniture and by using rugs in play areas to ensure children's toys don't scratch the floor.
Regular Maintenance:
1,Basic Care
Speed up the cleaning process by first dusting the floor with a mop that has been treated with a dusting agent to pick up dust, dirt, and pet hair that might scratch the floor surface. For weekly or biweekly cleaning, vacuum with a floor-brush attachment on a vacuum cleaner or an electric broom. Do not use a vacuum with a beater bar attachment, which can scratch a wood floor's finish. For quick dusting, use disposable electrostatic cloths.
2,Deeper Cleaning
For occasional deep cleaning, use a wood-cleaning product diluted according to the label instructions. Dirt, oil, and grime build up over time and aren't completely removed by a weekly dust mopping. Saturate a sponge or rag mop in the water, then wring it almost dry so it feels only slightly damp to the touch. Damp-mop the floor, being careful to prevent standing water on the floor. Rinse with a clean mop dampened in clear water, but only if the cleaning product requires it. Wipe up excess liquid because standing water can damage wood surfaces. If the weather is humid, operate a ceiling fan or the air-conditioner to speed up drying.
3,Removing Marks
Consider your floor's finish before trying to remove a mark. If the stain is on the surface, your floor probably has a hard finish, such as urethane. If the stain has penetrated through to the wood, the floor probably has a soft oiled finish -- common in older homes whose floors have not been refinished and resealed. Wipe surface stains from a hard finish with a soft, clean cloth. Never use steel wool or sandpaperon such a surface because they can permanently damage the finish.
The following remedies are for hardwood floors with soft oiled finishes. If needed, end each treatment by staining the wood, then waxing and buffing the spot to match the rest of the floor.
Dark spots and pet stains: Rub the spot with steel wool and floor wax. If the area is still dark, apply bleach or vinegar and allow it to soak into the wood for about an hour. Rinse with a damp cloth.
Oil stains: Rub the area with a soft cloth and dishwashing detergent to break down the grease. Rinse with clear water. If one or more applications don't work, repeat the procedure. Keep children and pets out of the room until you're done. Let the spot dry, then smooth the raised grain with fine sandpaper.
Water marks or white stains: Rub the spot with floor wax. If the stain goes deeper, lightly sand the floor and clean with fine steel wool and odorless mineral spirits.
Love your floors and your floors will love you back for a long, long time. Flooring display racks


choosing the best support layer for a natural stone floor

The construction of the natural stone floor needs a well-conceived design and a careful execution. The adherence layer, which supports the stone, may consist of mortar cement, sand or adhesive . In general, before placing the adherence layer, the supporting surface where we are going to install a natural stone floor, should be clean and free from oil and grease. These are the most important types of support layers we can choose:
Mortar cement is the most common support layer for natural stone pavings. It is highly recommended that thickness should be at least 4 cm. Although, depending on the roughness of the structural base, this value may increase.
Before placing the stone slab upon the adherence layer, it is advisable to scatter a thin layer of cement upon the mortar in order to enrich the mixture on the surface in contact with the stone. A thin coating of cement grout shall be troweled to the bed of the stone pavers immediately before each stone is laid.
It is important to point out the surface porosity of each type of natural stone in order to achieve the adequate adherence. The supporting layer must be watered before pouring the stone material, particularly in hot weather or if it is made of draining materials. The mixture should be extended in overlapping layers to reach the total width.
The use of sand as support layer for stone pavings is limited to pedestrian spaces, private or public, such as gardens, parks or terraces. The sand set method is not recommended for interior use.Pavers installed with a sand-set method can easily be replaced, repaired or adjusted. The sand can regularize layer and drainage. It should have an uniform thickness, from 3 to 5 cm.
Besides, it should not have excess humidity for compaction if possible. Proper compaction of a well draining subbed and sand setting bed is critical to prevent settling and moving. For stability a maximum 1″ thick sand bed should be used with 1/16″ wide joints which are swept with sand.
The join union must be carried out 24 hours after the installation of the stone slabs, except if the adherence and support layer is formed by adhesives. In general,all fixing materials, adhesives and pointing must be installed following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Adhesives used as support layer for natural stone pavings are unusual. They must be applied in thin layers both on the supporting surface and on the back of the slabs.
Once the installation is over, the stone floor should be protected.
For further information, visit stonepackingcase.com .


Find right label for your product

Labeling on your products can be pretty overwhelming with all the options available out there. To find the right labeling material for your needs, you should probably be asking yourself questions like:
Do I need them to be waterproof?
How permanent do I need these labels to be?
Do I want labels with a glossy or matte finish?
Are these labels durable enough to withstand outdoor use?
Will they be going in the dishwasher or microwave?
包装Repositionable vs. Reusable
Repositionable Labels means the labels can be peeled up and repositioned if necessary.This is only possible immediately after the label has first been applied and can only be done once or twice before the adhesive wears out. Reusable means labels can be peeled up and re-applied multiple times on different surfaces
With these questions,you will select suitable material for your product labels.
For even more info about labels, check us out on stonepackingcase.com


The Power of Stickers

Do you feel boring for white walls? Those giant swaths of plain white surface that make your home decor feel boring and uninspired? If you’re looking for a way to perk up a paint job or add some oomph to your home’s ambience, then this idea is for you. Custom stickers put the quirk in a craft room, add a quaint touch to a kitchen cabinet, and can even pep up your workout routine, too! If you’re ready to get on board with this unique trend, try incorporating one of these sticker projects into your home today.
Welcome Home
Why should welcome mats have all the fun? Doors should get to have their say, too, and with custom-printed lettering can welcome you in.A clean, modern typeface looks especially nice with this look.
Custom Canisters
Whether you’re a seasoned canner or just want to be able to tell the flour from the powdered sugar, custom-made jar labels attached to glass or metal canisters bring a quaint touch to your kitchen and pantry. Try them on a set of hinged glass jars for an old-fashioned general store effect.
As a Wall Accent
Banish bland walls forever with an interesting and unique wall decal. Decals are a great touch in a nursery or craft room or over a living room couch. They can even be useful to separate different areas in an open plan house, helping you distinguish where the kitchen turns into the living area.
Tiny Touches
If you’re not ready to commit to a larger decal, you can still get in on the stickering action. Small and unadorned surfaces, like switchplates and outlet covers,make the perfect pint-sized tableau for a little pizzazz. Try it on a desktop or lampshade, too!
Giveing full scope to your imagination.
An inspirational message in your home gym helps you pump more iron and log more miles — and it makes your room look beautiful, too. Bold, active colors add to the overall energizing effect.
More about sticker ,please click: stonepackingcase.com

Stone Products

Pressurized limestone underneath the Earth’s crust allows marble to form. Marble is a lot softer than its counterparts and have to be mined with care.Impurities in the limestone during this process give marble its unique patterns and colors depending on the infringing minerals. Being highly resistant to heat and erosion, it was used by the ancient Greeks and Iranians for their buildings and statues. Marble is an excellent choice for the classic natural look for your home
Naturally occurring igneous rock formed by magma. It is normally composed of quartz, feldspar and other dark minerals.Granite is extremely hard and is resistant to weathering which allows it to be an excellent choice for building aesthetics. However, its dense grain patterns make it susceptible to staining. But there are sealants readily available to inhibit the stain long enough for one to clean it up. Depending on the location the magma flows, the magma metamorphisms are what give granite its unique colors and amazing textures. Granite is the most versatile natural stone to be used in your home.
Atificial stone:
Quartz composites offer a lot of advantages over other natural stones and are a great  material to use in places of high volume or stress and are no less beautiful than natural stones. Being extremely hard, its virtually resistant to impact, scratches and cracks. Its consistent patterns and colors make join lines nearly invisible.It is also resistant to temperatures up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. This material is non-porous and non-absorbent which allows it to be immune to stains.
If you need some Stone Sample Boards ,please contact us:stonepackingcase.com


The Different Ways to Use Limestone

From refined residences to formal public spaces, majestic churches to modern skyscrapers – the versatility of limestone continues to be a key element of style for the ages.Its play an essential role in your memorable designs. However, this natural stone has a range of beauty and versatility that can be used in a wide array of home designs. The appeal of limestone is that it offers a variety of colors and finishes. It comes in white, beige, light and dark colors and can be smooth or rough cut.The properties of the stone allow it to be resistant to weather and time exposure. Limestone lends itself well to molding and sculpting and is an excellent natural stone option for design elements like walls and fireplaces. Stone Sample suitcase
Limestone Fireplaces
Limestone can add an aura of beauty and warmth to any indoor or outdoor fireplace. Using rough cut stones or three-dimensional mosaics on exterior fireplaces can give it a more rustic look. Interior fireplaces often use smoother cut stones. Using limestone as a fireplace surround will add a contrast point to the primary stones in the hearth. In all of its configurations, limestone can pair well with the natural warmth of wood. When using limestone in a fireplace, it is important to use a sealant on the stone because it can absorb smoke and soot.
Limestone Walls
Limestone walls have many applications in interior and exterior designs. A recent trend is the use of three-dimensional mosaics to highlight the veining while adding texture. These accents work beautifully in the kitchen, living room, or in entryways.What makes the limestone special is that when it is roughly cut, it can add ruggedness to any exterior, whether as a part of the home’s siding or as an accent wall. Smooth cut limestone can be found in many famous buildings and in French estate styled houses. Limestone is also soft enough to be sculpted and can be used to create large decorative elements in the back or front yard, such as columns.
Using the stone as an interior wall element, a designer has a little more leeway in its application. Limestone bricks will fit into any design. Applying the variations of its natural color, limestone works well with many different building materials, such as wood and other natural stone. Stone Sample suitcase for natural stone.
In short,Limestone is a durable, natural material that can be used in various designs and areas both in the home and outdoors.